USFS Logo The North Cascades Study Report
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Washington, D.C.
October 1965

The following report on the management and administration of all the resources of the Federal lands in the North Cascades of Washington is the result of an extraordinary interdepartmental effort.

It was a privilege to serve as chairman of the study team. The individual members, despite the press of other duties, gave high priority to this assignment, discussed issues with utmost candor, cooperated to the fullest extent possible, and approached the complicated and controversial questions in a completely statesman-like manner.

The Forest Service and the National Park Service gave unstintedly of their personnel and facilities, made their records fully available, and supplied special information requested by the team to the extent of their abilities.

About 50 Federal and State resource specialists participated in the individual resource reports prepared at the request of the study team, or in the preparation of the final report.

The agencies represented on these efforts included the National Park Service, Forest Service, several departments of the State of Washington, the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bonneville Power Administration, Geological Survey, Bureau of Reclamation, Corps of Engineers, Federal Power Commission, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Mines, Soil Conservation Service, Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee, the Resources Program Staff of the Department of the Interior, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation.

The Commissioner of Public Lands for the State of Washington, as the State's designated representative, cooperated fully with the team, took part in some of the field inspections, and sat with the team during public hearings.

The report does not necessarily reflect the views of any of the cooperating agencies or individuals, or the State of Washington.

Edward C. Crafts
Study Team Chairman, and
Director, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation

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