On-line Book
Book Cover to Administrative History: Organizational Structures of the NPS 1917 to 1985 by Russ Olsen. [Image of mountain and tall grass]
Organizational Structures of the NPS 1917 to 1985



current topic Organizational Structure


Organizational Charts

Naturalists, Rangers, & Historians

Senior Administration Officers


Key Staff Officials

Number "Two"

Senior Operations Officers

Organizational Structure of the National Park Service
- 1917 to 1985 -

Administrative History

Organizational Structure

The final two charts (#39 & #40) trace the organizational development of the administrative function from its Chief Clerk roots in 1919, and the Ranger, Naturalist, and Historian park related functions from their 1925 base in the Education (Natural History) Branch under Ansel Hall. Perhaps these two depictions show more about the growth of the Service from a simple organization to a complex organization of interdependent, interrelated subsystems of the whole than any of the organizational charts.

These charts attempt to follow two segments of the organization from their inception during the early years. Administration which dates back to the first Chief Clerk and Resource Management & Interpretation which dates to the Education Branch established in 1925. If one actually follows the "time line" one can see more about what has philosophically happened within the organization. Such a review may lend credence to the statement "every thing changes, yet nothing is changed." If one follows from 1925 it is possible to watch the ebb and flow of the organization as forestry (ranger activities) and history spin off, go their own way for a period of time, history and natural history combine for another period of time, and see in 1985 that ranger activi ties and interpretation are combined in Visitor Services, and history and museums are separate under their own Associate Director. The Administrative chart shows total organizational growth in terms of support services needed--from a Chief Clerk who did everything to today's organization where the major functions have become highly technical specialities from budget formulation to budget execution, procurement to property manage ment to personnel management, et. al.




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