Historic Resource Study
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Aberdeen Daily World (Aberdeen, Washington).
1924October. Olympic Peninsula is wonder district.
1939a14 December. Great peninsula oil fields visioned. W. C. Lehman.
1939b14 December. Harbor to be outlet. W. C. Lehman.
19395 November. Queets pioneers won living under primitive conditions. Charles Streater.
195422 November. Olympic timber use sought twenty-five years ago. W. C. Mumaw.
196627 January; 8, 11, 19, 25 February; 5 March. The Higleys, Lake Quinault pioneers. Rowena Alcorn and Gordon Alcorn.
19741 September. A rustic chalet . . . a roaring avalanche. John Hughes.
1962Alcorn, Rowena L. and Gordon D. Alcorn. The Nylund family, pioneers of old Ozette. Pacific Northwest Quarterly 4 (no. 53): 151-56.
1973______. Evergreen on the Queets. Oregon Historical Quarterly 74 (no. 1): 5-33.
1974______. Old Queets Valley settlement. Frontier Times, December-January, 22-24.
1950Aldwell, Thomas T. Conquering the last frontier. Seattle: Superior Publishing Company.
Allyn Times (Allyn, Washington).
18911 October. Promising Cushman mines.
1960Anderson, Bern. The life and voyages of Captain George Vancouver. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
1971Anderson, Carl F. Olympic National Forest. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 591-95. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1971aArbeiter, Ildri, comp. Outlying area: Lake Ozette—Royal area In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 495-504. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1971b______. Pioneers: Lake Ozette—Royal area, 1850-1893. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 510-16. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1931Averill, Walter A. Building a highway across the west slope of the Olympic Peninsula. Pacific Builder and Engineer, 1 August, 24-37, 56.
1920Bailey, Winona. Third Olympic outing. The Mountaineer, November, 9-33.
1884Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. Vol. 27, History of the Pacific Northwest coast. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft and Company, Publisher.
1890______. History of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-1889. San Francisco: The History Company.
1907Banks, Mary. Mountaineers in the Olympics. The Mountaineer, September, 75-86.
1981aBarnes, Charles A. and James H. Christie. Building the boat. Northwest Discovery, March, 163-74, 182.
1981b______. The limits of settlement. Northwest Discovery, May, 314-21.
1947Barto, Harold E. and Catherine Bullard. History of the state of Washington. New York: D.C. Heath and Company.
1983Bergland, Eric O. Summary prehistory and ethnography of Olympic National Park, Washington. National Park Service. Pacific Northwest Region. Seattle: N.p.
1973Blum, John M., Edmund S. Morgan, Willie Lee Rose, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Kenneth M. Stampp and C. Vann Woodward. The national experience: A history of the United States since 1865. Part two. 3rd ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
1877Bradshaw, Charles M. History of Jefferson and Clallam Counties, Washington Territory. Port Townsend, Washington Territory: N.p.
1983Brandeberry, Harold. Telephone interview with author, 21 December.
1965Bredl, Primrose, Thelma Robinson and Isabelle Whitfield, eds. The Klahhane Club golden anniversary. Unpublished.
1907Bretherton, B. J. Ascent of Mount Olympus. Steel Points, July, 148-53.
1982Brown, Bruce. Mountains in the clouds: A search for the wild salmon. New York: Simon and Schuster.
1908Browne, Belmore. The first ascent of Mount Olympus. Recreation, November, 195-200.
1936Buchanan, Iva L. Lumbering and logging in the Puget Sound region in territorial days. The Pacific Northwest Quarterly 27: 34-53.
1907Bureau of Statistics, Agriculture and Immigration. A review of the resources and industries of Washington, 1907. Olympia, Washington: C. W. Corham Publishing Printer.
1911Burns, Findley. The Olympic National Forest. U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Forest Service. Bulletin 89. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
1979Campbell, Patricia. A history of the north Olympic Peninsula. Port Angeles, Washington: Peninsula Publishing, Inc.
1953Canady, Lewis and Jan S. Doward. Cloud country. Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing, Assoc.
1973Carroll, Robert Wesley. The Civilian Conservation Corps in Washington state, 1933-1942. Master's thesis, Washington State University.
ca. 1912Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway Company. Sol Duc Hot Springs: In the heart of the Olympics. Seattle: Lowman and Hanford Co.
1926Christie, J. H. From the leader of the Press expedition. The Mountaineer, December, 37-39.
1897Church, F. J. In the land of the shag. Recreation, August, 122-23.
1947Clark, Irving M. Our Olympic heritage and its defense. The Living Wilderness, June, 1-10.
1976Clark, Norman H. Washington: A bicentennial history. New York: W. W. Norton and Co.; American Association for State and Local History.
1973Cleland, Lucile Horr, comp. Trails and trails of the pioneers of the Olympic Peninsula. Seattle: Shorey Book Store.
1978Coman, Edwin, Jr. and Helen M. Gibbs. Time, tide and timber. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
1976Cowles, Lyle. Letters from Olympus: A trailman's almanac. Forks, Washington: Graphic Arts, Inc.
1971Critchfield, Elmer. Logging—central area Port Angeles to Lyre River and Twin Rivers area. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, Port Orchard, Washington: 874-83. Publisher's Printing.
1908Curtis, Asahel. The first ascent of Mount Olympus. World's Work, May, 10261-62.
Daily News (Port Angeles, Washington).
198323 January. Pioneers or Third Beach, p. A7, col. 1-3.
Daily Washingtonian (Hoquiam, Washington).
192728 June. Crew busy at Low Divide on Olympic chalet; pack train will go in today.
Dalton, Russell Collection. Port Angeles, Washington.
19119 June. The story of Lake Crescent. Port Angeles Olympic Leader. Photocopy.
1916-1933Humes letters by Grant Humes. Typed transcript by Russell Dalton. (Originals with Pamela Humes Wallenstein, Doylestown, Pennsylvania).
1982Dalton, Russell W. Interview with author. Elwha River trail near Port Angeles, Washington, 2 August. Typed transcript by Mary M. Reynolds.
1971Deegan, Harry W. History of Mason County, Washington. Shelton, Washington: Harry W. Deegan.
1982Dickinson, Floyd. Interview with author. Port Angeles, Washington, 13 September.
1982Dickinson, Marian Becker. Interview with author. Port Angeles, Washington, 17 August.
(DNR) Department of Natural Resources. Olympia, Washington.
1979Division of Geology and Earth Sciences. Placer gold mining in Washington. Wayne S. Moen.

______. Maps and Surveys. General Land Office. Surveyors maps and homestead survey notes. Numerous dates and locations. Microforms.
1965Dooley, Clara Knack. My Queets story. Unpublished. Photocopy. (Available at Timberland Regional Library, Aberdeen, Washington.)
1964Douglas, William O. The last frontier in a dark forest: Forks, Washington. In A vanishing America: The life and times of the small town. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
1968______. My wilderness: The Pacific West. New York: Pyramid Books.
(FARC) Federal Archives and Record Center. Seattle, Washington. (RG) Record Group 26
19438 March. Map. Northwest Sea Frontier, Northwest Sector, Naval Local Defense Forces, Naval (Coast Guard) Coast Lookout System. Confidential. FRC 19096.
194326 June. Map of patrol camps by V. I. Storland, S4c. Clallam Bay. FRC 19096.
194314 October. Coast Guard Beach Patrol Station, Kalaloch, Washington. Coast Guard Station, Forks. FRC 19096.
ca. 1943an.d. CG Station, Clallam Bay, Washington. FRC 19096.
ca. 1943bn.d. CG Station, Forks, Washington, Coast Guard Station, Forks, Washington. FRC 19096.
ca. 1943cn.d. CG Beach Patrol Station, LaPush, Washington, Coast Guard Patrol, LaPush, Washington, FRC 19096.
ca. 1943dn.d. District Coast Guard Officer—Thirteenth Naval District. Personnel, District Coast Guard Officer—Thirteenth Naval District. FRC 19086.
ca. 1943en.d. Week ending 6 March 1943. War Diary, Seattle, 13th Naval District. FRC 19086.
1930aFetterolf, E. R. The last wilderness. Argus, December. Typed transcript. Unnumbered pages.
1930b______. New rail line to tap Olympic Forest. The Union Pacific Magazine, April, 5-6, 31, 34.
1983Fish, Harriet U. Tracks, trails, and tales in Clallam County, state of Washington. Sequim, Washington: Harriet U. Fish.
1966Fletcher, Lena. Valley of the Hoh. In With pride in heritage: History of Jefferson County ed. Jefferson County Historical Society, 218-30. Portland, Oregon: Professional Publishing Printing, Inc.
Forks Forum (Forks, Washington).
196428 May. The search for "black gold." Grace Fletcher.
1971Forsberg, Agnes. Upper Elwha Valley. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 322-24. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1976Fredson, Michael. Oakland to Shelton: The sawdust trail. Belfair, Washington: Mason County Historical Society.
1962Frome, Michael. Whose woods these are: The story of the national forests. Garden City, N.J.: Doubleday and Company, Inc.
1913Fromme, R. L. The Olympic National Forest—what it means. The Mountaineer, no month, (vol. 6), 9-18.
1983Furseth, Myrtle. Interview with author. Hoquiam, Washington, 26 March.
Gallison, Glenn Collection. Port Angeles, Washington.
192925 May. Report on Olympic Forest recreation plan. F. W. Cleator. Photocopy.
1940aLetter from C. W. Keller to Preston P. Macy, superintendent of Olympic National Park, 24 August. Typed transcript.
1940bMemorandum on supply of Sitka spruce with reference to availability for manufacture into airplane stock. C. A. Lyford and W. H. Thomas, 15 November.
1954Enchanted Valley and its chalet. Raymond Geerdes. Photocopy.
1962Quinault report: Olympic National Park, Washington. Quinault Study Committee, June.
ca. 1977Historical summary of Olympic National Park.
1957Gibbs, James A., Jr. Shipwrecks of the Pacific coast. Portland, Oregon: Binfords and Mort, Publishers.
1971Gibbs, Jim. Disaster log of ships: A pictorial account of shipwrecks, California to Alaska. Seattle: Frayn Printing Co.
1890Gilman, S. C. The Olympic region. West Shore, 7 July, 724-25.
1896Gilman, S. C. and C. A. Gilman. The Olympic country. National Geographic, 4 April, 133-39.
1984Goodpasture, William. Interview with author. 7 January.
1951Greeley, William B. Forests and men. New York: Doubleday.
1945Green, Stephen R. Manganese deposits of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Report of investigations, no. 7. Division of Mines and Mining. Olympia, Washington: State Printing Plant.
1976Gregory, V. J. Keepers at the gate. Port Townsend, Washington: Port Townsend Publishing Company, Inc.
1971Hall, Harry C. Twin Rivers. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 419-22. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1974Hanify, Mary Lou and Craig Blencowe. Guide to the Hoh rain forest. Port Angeles, Washington: Pacific Northwest National Parks Association.
1907Hanna, Ina M. Expeditions into the Olympic Mountains. The Mountaineer, June, 29-32.
1980Hansen, Christopher A. The wreck of the Prince Albert. Northwest Discovery, November, 256-71.
1971aHarper, Mary Howard, comp. Clallam County pioneers, 1850-1893. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 425-35, 487-95. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1971b______. Upper Sol Duc Valley. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 466-67. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1971c______. Gettysburg. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 398-402. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1971d______. Joyce. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 396-98. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1971e______. Quillayute country. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 480-82. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1983Harvey, David. Spruce Production Division Railroad No. 1. Draft National Register of Historic Places inventory—nomination form. National Park Service. U.S. Department of the Interior. Typescript.
1971Hassel, Patty May. Sol Duc Hot Springs. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 415-19. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1932Hazard, Joseph T. Snow sentinels of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle: Lowman and Hanford Co.
1907Henderson, Louis F. Flora of the Olympics. Steel Points, July, 160-98.
1932______. Early experiences of a botanist in the Northwest: The O'Neil Olympic Expedition, 1890. Paper presented at the Oregon Audubon Society, Spring. Extracts from typescript in the University of Oregon library.
1939Henry, W. J. Lake Ozette, outpost of the last frontier. The Northwest Conservationist, October-December.
1973Higley, Orte. The Higleys—1890. In Trails and trails of the pioneers of the Olympic Peninsula, comp. Lucile Horr Cleland, 178-84. Seattle: Shorey Book Store.
1907aHimes, George H. First ascent of Mount Olympus. Steel Points, July, 159.
1907b______. Very early ascents. Steel Points, July, 199-200.
1983Historic American Buildings Survey. (HABS no. WA—155.) Western Region, National Park Service. Department of the Interior. San Francisco: Morgenroth Cabin (Storm King Ranger Station).
1983______. (HABS no. WA—156.) Western Region, National Park Service. Department of the Interior. San Francisco: Storm King Inn (Storm King Ranger Station).
1959Hitchman, Robert. Name calling. The Mountaineer, March, 6-19.
1945Holbrook, Stewart. Green commonwealth. Seattle: Dogwood Press.
1946______. Holy old mackinaw. New York: The MacMillan Company.
1979Hoover, Glenn E. North beach, a pioneer community. Pacific Northwest Quarterly 70 (no. 1): 2-7.
1943Horn, Stanley. This fascinating lumber business. New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Co.
1911Howay, Frederick W., ed. Early navigation of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Oregon Historical Society 12: 1-32.
1941Howay, Frederick W., ed. Voyages of the Columbia to the Northwest coast. Boston: D. B. Updike, the Merrymount Press.
1926Huelsdonk, Dora. Kidnapping in the Olympic wilds. The Mountaineer, December, 34-7.
1983Hughes, Jack. Interview with author. Port Angeles, Washington, 21 July and 20 September.
[1954]Hult, Ruby. The untamed Olympics: The story of a peninsula. Portland, Oregon: Binfords and Mort. Reprint 1971.
ca. 1975______. Herb Crisler in the Olympic Mountain wilds, 1918-1951. Ventura, California: Crisler-Hult-McAndrew.
1907Humes, G. W. Journey to Mount Olympus. The Mountaineer, June, 11-12.
1956aHunting, Marshall T. Inventory of Washington minerals: Part II, metallic minerals. Vol. 1. Division of Mines and Geology. Olympia, Washington: State Printing Plant.
1956b______. Inventory of Washington minerals: Part II, metallic minerals. Vol. 2. Division of Mines and Geology. Olympia, Washington: State Printing Plant.
1960______. Inventory of Washington minerals: Part II, nonmetallic minerals. Vol. 1. Division of Mines and Geology. Olympia, Washington: State Printing Plant.
1938Ickes, Harold. Keep it a wilderness—Ickes. National Parks Bulletin, December, 9-13, 29.
1955Ingham, Meredith B., Jr. Olympic National Park: A study of conservation objectives relating to its establishment and boundary adjustments. U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. Mimeo.
1961Ise, John. Our national park policy: A critical history. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press.
1967Johansen, Dorothy O. Empire of the Columbia: A history of the Pacific Northwest. New York: Harper and Row.
1902Johnson, F. A. The Olympics and their elk. Recreation, March, 191-93.
1947Jones, Nard. Evergreen land: A portrait of Washington state. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company.
1902Jones, W. A. A trip to the Olympics. Recreation, June, 428-30.
1982Keatts, Robert. Mining on the North Fork Skokomish River. Belfair, Washington: Mason County Historical Society.
1975Kelley, Robert. The shaping of the American past. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Kieley, James F., comp. and ed. A brief history of the National Park Service. U.S. Department of the Interior. Typescript.
1967Kirk, Ruth. Exploring the Olympic Peninsula. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
1966______. The Olympic rain forest. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
1925Kneen, O. H. The Olympics: Last wilderness of the west. The Mentor, June, 32-37.
1860Kohl, J. G. Hydrography of the coasts and navigable waters of Washington Territory. Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Vol. 12. Book 1. N.p.: Thomas H. Ford, Printer.
1961Labbe, John T. and Vernon Goe. Railroads in the woods. Berkeley, California: N.p.
1926Lamb, Frank H. Making the Olympics accessible. The Mountaineer, December, 19, 27-29.
1902Landes, Henry. Washington geological survey. Olympia, Washington: Gwin Hicks State Printer.
1937Lauridsen, G. M. and A. A. Smith. The story of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington: An historical symposium. Seattle: Lowman and Hanford Company.
1971Lawrence, Connie. Lake Crescent. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 402-12. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1783Ledyard, John. A journal of Captain Cook's last voyage. Hartford, Connecticut: Nathaniel Patten.
1976Leissler, Frederick. Roads and trails of Olympic National Park. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
1963Leuchtenburg, William E. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal: 1932-1940. New York: Harper and Row.
1968Levy, Benjamin. Humes ranch cabin, Olympic National Park. Part 2: Historical data section. Historic structure report. U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation. Division of History.
1932Linklater, F. W. The Olympic Peninsula. Argus, 17 December, 33-34.
1949Lofgren, Svante E. Barth ar-kell: (The white bear). Seattle: Publications Press.
1965Lucia, Ellis. Head rig: Story of the west coast lumber industry. Portland, Oregon: Overland West Press.
1975______. The big woods. Garden City, New Jersey: Doubleday and Company, Inc.
1981Majors, Harry M. and Richard C. McCollum, eds. The Press party photographs. Northwest Discovery, March, 138-62.
1983Martin, J. Paul. (Researched by Peggy Brady.) Port Angeles, Washington: A history. Port Angeles, Washington: Peninsula Publishing, Inc.
Mason County Journal (Shelton, Washington).
18902 May. Exploring the Quinault.
189015 August. The Lake Cushman copper mines.
189022 August. Mason County copper mines.
189712 February. Rich strike in the Olympics.
189716 April. Gold in the Olympics.
189720 August. Rich ore in the Olympics.
18971 October. Gold in the Olympics.
1969Marston, Elizabeth. Rain forest. Boston: Branden Press.
1928Mathias, F. W. The Olympic Mountains. Mazama, December, 33-43.
1961McCallum, John and Lorraine Wilcox Ross. Port Angeles, U.S.A. Seattle: Wood and Reber, Inc.
1978McCormick Associates, Inc. Cultural resource overview of the Olympic National Forest, Washington. Elizabeth Righter. Portland, Oregon: Jack McCormick and Associates, Inc.
1909McCully, A. W. Lure of the Olympics. Travel, May, 358-59.
1983McFarland, Carl R. Oil and gas exploration in Washington, 1900-1982. State of Washington. Department of Natural Resources. Olympia, Washington: N.p.
1913aMeany, Edmond S. The Olympics in history and legend. The Mountaineer, no month, (Vol. 6), 51-55.
1913b______. The story of three Olympic peaks. Washington Historical Quarterly 4 (no. 3): 182-86.
1933______. The 1933 summer outing. The Mountaineer, December, 7-11.
1935______. The history of the lumber industry in the Pacific Northwest to 1917. Ph.D. diss., Harvard University. Photocopy.
1949______. Vancouver's discovery of Puget Sound. Portland, Oregon: Binford's and Mort, Publishers.
1790Meares, John. Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the Northwest coast of America. London: Logographic Pre[s]s.
1981Merrill, Perry Henry. Roosevelt's forest army: A history of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942. Montpelier, Vermont: Perry H. Merrill.
1973Mikesh, Robert C. Japan's World War II balloon bomb attacks on North America. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
1973Miller, Genevieve H. Vanished spas in the wilderness. Frontier Times, December-January, 8-17, 56.
1982Moen, Wayne. The mineral industry of Washington: Highlights of its development, 1853-1980. Information circular 74. State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources. Olympia, Washington: n.p.
1955Morgan, Murray. The last wilderness. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
1971Morse, Samuel Howard. Trails and roads. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 63-73. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
The Mountaineers library, Seattle, Washington. Unaccessioned newspaper clipping file.
1907an.d. Mountaineers go for outing.
1907bn.d. Three men face fearful death on Olympus.
(NARS) National Archives and Record Service. Washington, D.C. (RG) Record Group 26. U.S. Coast Guard.
194219 December. Coast Guard War Diaries.
194310 April. Military Readiness Division World War II. Navy-Coast Guard Relationship. Letter from Vice Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher, U.S. Navy, commander, Northwest Sea. Frontier.
19434 September. Coast Guard War Diaries.
194311 September. Coast Guard War Diaries.
194426 February. Coast Guard War Diaries.
(RG) Record Group 49. Bureau of Land Management.
1899National Forests: Olympic (Parts 2 and 3). Map of Western Jefferson County. J. K. Hogg.
19017 March. National Forests: Olympic (Parts 2 and 3). Letter from the president of the Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce to U.S. Senator A. G. Foster.
190811 March. National Forests: Olympic (Parts 2 and 3). Letter from U.S. Commissioner J. A. Ewell, to U.S. secretary of the Interior.
(RG) Record Group 79. National Park Service.
19347 August. Letter from Hillory A. Tolson to superintendent, Mount Rainier National Park. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (618).
1935Cougar hunting on the Olympic Peninsula with E. O. Michaels. Percy Conrad. The Olympic Peninsula Magazine. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (601).
193812 January. Letter written by "D.J.L." CCC Activities. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (885-01).
1938a7 September. Memorandum from O. A. Tomlinson to Waterhouse, regional engineer. CCC Activities. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (885-01).
1938b7 September. Memorandum form O. A. Tomlinson to Mr. Demaray. CCC Activities. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (885-01).
193813 December. Memorandum from Frank A. Kittredge to the director, Region Four. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (618).
ca. 193813 December. Memorandum from Frank A. Kittredge to the director, Region Four. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (618).
1939n.d. Olympic National Park. Proposed PWA Projects. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (618).
193912 January. Unsigned manuscript. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (885-01).
193920 April. Beach Improvement, Lake Crescent. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
193925 July. Rehabilitate Side Camp Buildings, Sol Duc (Eagle Guard Station). CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
193929 October. Parking Area, End of Soleduck Road. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
193922 December. Campground Development, Soleduck. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1939a29 December. Trailside Shelter, Moose Lake. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1939b29 December. Water Supply Improvement, Eagle Guard Station. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1940a9 January. Memorandum from assistant regional director, to the director. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Olympic Correspondence.
1940b9 January. Memorandum from assistant regional director. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Olympic Correspondence.
194027 May. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the regional director. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Olympic Correspondence.
194028 May. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (1502).
194010 June. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the director. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943, Olympic Correspondence.
194020 June. Tabulation of Active Approved CCC Jobs in Olympic National Park. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Olympic Correspondence.
194021 June. Fire Patrol Cabins, Graves Creek and Lapoel. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. Olympic.
19405 August. Memorandum from B. F. Manby to the director. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Olympic Correspondence.
194022 August. Memorandum from the acting regional director to the regional director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (618).
1940a5 December. Camp Designations, NP-10. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Camp Applications: Olympic.
1940b5 December. Joint Report by G. A. Moskey, chief counsel, and Donald E. Lee, assistant chief counsel. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic.
194120 March. Trailside Shelter, Hoh Lake. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
194125 March. Water and Sewer System, Lapoel Patrol Cabin. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
194128 March. Combination Garage and Wood Storage, Lapoel. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
194117 May. Landscaping, Lapoel Patrol Station. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
194114 October. Road Maintenance, Deer Park Road. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
194115 November. Rehabilitation of Building (for side camp), Kalaloch Beach Resort. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
194131 December. Combination Garage and Wood Storage Building, Graves Creek Ranger Station. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
194212 January. Power House, Eagle and North Fork Guard Stations. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942a15 January. Air Raid Warning Observation for National Defense. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942b15 January. Road Maintenance, East Fork and North Fork Quinault River. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942c15 January. Telephone Line Maintenance, Quinault Area. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942a25 March. Fire Hazard Reduction, Roadside, East Fork and North Fork Quinault River. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942b25 March. Fish Hatchery Operation and Maintenance, Quinault Fish Hatchery. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942c25 March. Landscaping Undifferentiated, Deer Park. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942d25 March. Public Campground Maintenance, Graves Creek, July Creek and Muncaster Creek. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942e25 March. Rehabilitation of Side Camp Facilities, Deer Park Facilities. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942a26 March. Landscaping, Eagle Guard Station. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942b26 March. Picnic Area Extension and Improvement, Lapoel. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942c26 March. Plants and Planting, Headquarters Area. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942a14 June. Power House (light plant), Graves Creek Ranger Station. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942b14 June. Public Campground Development, Graves Creek Area. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. National Park Service: Olympic.
194218 June. Landscaping, Graves Creek Ranger Station. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
194222 June. Waumila Lodge: Schedule for Basic Rates for the 1942 Season. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (900-06).
194221 July. Wildlife Investigation, Park Area. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943, Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942a31 July. Mrs. Rozella Andrews. Schedule for Basic Rates for the 1942 Season. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (900-06).
1942b31 July. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (630).
194219 August. Kelley's Ranch. Schedule for Basic Rates for the 1942 Season. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (900-06).
194229 August. Memorandum from B. F. Manby, assistant regional director, to the director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (620).
19428 September. Trail Maintenance, Quinault Area. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
194222 September. Road Improvement, East Fork Quinault Road. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942a23 September. Bunch Creek Bridge, East Fork Quinault Road. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
1942b23 September. Road Maintenance, Park Area. CCC Job Completion Record. Federal Project Records, 1934-1943. Department of the Interior. National Park Service: Olympic.
19425 October. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (601-03).
194220 October. Letter from E. K. Burlew to Brigadier General Philip B. Fleming. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (618).
19431 March. Memorandum from B. F. Manby, acting assistant superintendent, for the files. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (901).
194313 March. Superintendent's Monthly Report for the Month of February, 1943. Central Classified File, 1933-1949 National Parks: Olympic.
19431 April. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic.
194318 May. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic.
194310 November. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic.
1943 n.d. Olympic National Park. List of Concessioners as of June 1, 1943. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (900-05).
19449 November. Right-of-Way Easement Between the National Park Service and Mayr Brothers Logging Company. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (901, B-R).
ca. 1944an.d. Superintendent's Annual Report, 1944 F.Y. by Preston P. Macy, superintendent of Olympic National Park. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (207-01.4).
ca. 1944bn.d. Final Construction Report, Equipment and Supply Storage Building. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (620).
194514 January. Project Completion Report, Administration Building. C. Wright. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (621).
19452 April. Memorandum from W. E. Wrather to the secretary. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (609-01).
194515 August. Memorandum from Floyd L. Dickinson to Augustine, chief ranger. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (901, B-R).
194520 August. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the regional director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (901, B-R).
ca. 1945n.d. Superintendent's Annual Report, 1945 F.Y. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (207-01.4). Photocopy.
194812 February. Correspondence. Concessions. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (900-05).
194811 October. Opinion regarding Authority to Issue Oil and Gas Leases within the Olympic Public Works Project. Mastin G. White. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (609-01).
194828 October. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the regional director. General Contracts. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (900-07).
19488 November. Memorandum from C. Girard Davidson to W. E. Wrather. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (609-01).
19491 February. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy, superintendent, to the regional director. Central Classified File, 1933-1949. National Parks: Olympic (609-01).
(RG) Record Group 95. National Forest Service.
191622 April. Letter from R. L. Fromme to the district forester. Land Uses. Region 6: Olympic.
19341 June. Form E. Emergency Conservation Work. Forest Service CCC Work. Plans.
19376 August. Form E. New, Continued or Reestablished Camps. Proposed for 10th Period. Forest Service CCC Work. Plans.
ca. 1938n.d. Form E. Eleventh Period (April 1 to September 30, 1938) Work Program. Forest CCC Work. Plans.
1978Neal, Pat. Rosemary Inn. National Register of Historic Places inventory-nomination form. National Park Service. U.S. Department of the Interior.
1907Nelson, L. A. The ascent of Mount Olympus. The Mountaineer, September, 34-37.
(NFS) National Forest Service. Northwest Regional Office. Portland, Oregon. Unaccessioned historical papers.
1936Olympic trail riders trip. Guide No. 27. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Olympic National Forest.
(NFS ONF) National Forest Service. Olympic National Forest, Olympia, Washington. Unaccessioned historical papers.
191026 October. Letter from F. S. Lewis, Port Angeles mayor, to the Olympic National Forest supervisor.
1910October. Olympic National Forest: Its resources and their management.
191125 September. Memorandum to the forester.
191222 July. Letter from the Olympian Copper Company to P. S. Lovejoy, forest supervisor.
191223 July. Letter from P. S. Lovejoy, forest supervisor, to district forester.
19126 August. Letter from C. J. Buck, assistant district forester, to P. S. Lovejoy, forest supervisor.
1912n.d. Memo to Fromme. History of the Forest (probably written by Parish S. Lovejoy).
191829 June. Letter to the forest supervisor.
192323 June. Letter from R. L. Fromme, forest supervisor, to the district forester.
192625 June. Memorandum from F. W. Cleator for Lands file.
192628 December. Letter from Mrs. H. S. Schoeffel to H. L. Plum, forest supervisor.
192713 January. Letter from Olson brothers to H. L. Plumb.
192727 January. Letter from F. W. Mathias, secretary-treasurer, Olympic Chalet Company, to M. L. Plumb, forest supervisor, Olympic National Forest.
192730 June. Olympic guides organize. Long hikes are planned. Daily Washingtonian.
192815 March. Prospectus, Resort, East Fork Quinault River, Olympic National Forest.
192820 April. Letter from the secretary-treasurer, Quinault Commercial Club, to H. L. Plumb, with resolution enclosed.
19293 January. Term permit issued to Olympic Recreation Company.
19295 January. Notice to the stockholders of the Olympic Chalet Company.
192918 February. Letter from F. W. Mathias to Honorable Albert Johnson.
192917 March. Lure of Olympus will be developed. Sunday Oregonian.
ca. 192918 April. Hydroplanes may land on Olympic's lake. Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
193024 May. Letter from W. C. Mumaw, president, Olympic Development League, to Lawrence Richey, secretary to President Hoover.
193020 September. Letter from W. C. Mumaw to Charles Frederick Carter.
193120 February. Letter from Charles Thomas to H. L. Plumb.
1933n.d. A brief asking the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for a loan to build an aerial wire rope tramway in the Olympic National Forest to the top of Mount Baldy.
193427 November. Letter from W. C. Mumaw to M. L. Plumb.
193610 September. Brief History of Olympic Primitive Area.
19374 March. Untitled paper regarding systematic planning in Olympic National Forest and Mount Olympus National Monument.
19376 March. Letter from J. R. Bruchart, forest supervisor, to the regional director.
1937History of Fort Lewis—CCC district, 22-32.
ca. 1937n.d. Accomplishment of Snider CCC Camp.
193816 March. Memorandum from C. L. Gable to the National Park Service director.
194615 August. Historical data as seen from the pen of Clarence Adams, administrative assistant.
195914 May. Letter from "Sandy" (Sanford Floe) to J. Herbert Stone, regional forester.
n.d.Paper by Rudo Fromme.
(NOL) North Olympic Library. Port Angeles, Washington. Pacific Northwest Room.
196314 November. Waumilla [sic] destroyed.
196624 October. Letter from the secretary of State, Olympia, Washington. Vertical file: Washington, Sol Duc Hot Springs.
1970Third Beach and an oil try. Lyle Cowles. Vertical file: Clallam County, oil.
ca. 1978L. & M. Economic Research Company. Economic feasibility study of Sol Duc Hot Springs prepared for the National Park Service. Vertical file: Washington, Sol Duc Hot Springs.
1889North Pacific History Company, comp. History of the Pacific Northwest: Oregon and Washington. Vol. 2. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company.
(NPS OLYM) National Park Service. Olympic National Park. Unaccessioned historical papers.
1885O'Neil's exploration: Record of his trip back of Port Angeles in 1885. Joseph P. O'Neil. Typescript. Staircase Ranger Station.
1890Journal of Lieutenant O'Neil's exploration of the Olympic Mountains, 1890. H. Fisher. Transcription by Robert Keatts. (Originals located at the library of the Mazamas, Portland, Oregon.) Staircase Ranger Station.
1897-1911, 1934Letters by Will Humes, Martin D. Humes, and Ward Sanders. Typed transcript. (Originals with Gerald Humes, Beaverton, Oregon, and Myron Humes, Rancho Bernardo, California.) Port Angeles, Washington.
1900-1911, 1934Grant Humes, Will Humes, and A. Ludden. Humes Letters. Typed transcript. (Originals with Lyman Humes, Harrisville, New York.) Port Angeles, Washington.
1918The Klahhane Annual. Port Angeles, Washington: N.p. Unnumbered pages. Port Angeles, Washington.
1932, 1947, 1958Letters from Art and Phea Shelleberger to Humes. Port Angeles, Washington.
1934n.d. Noted naturalist reports on elk conditions in Olympic Mountains to Boone and Crockett Club, N.Y. M. P. Skinner. Unnumbered pages. Port Angeles, Washington.
1934November. Manganese claims: Little River District. Stephen H. Green. Port Angeles, Washington.
193524 August. Letter from Preston Macy, acting custodian, to Marlow Glenn, accountant, Mount Rainier National Park. Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
1936Proposed Mount Olympus National Park and its effect on national economic interests of the Olympic Peninsula. W. H. Horning. Typescript. Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
1937The late Annie Palmquist wrote. Translated from Norwegian. Handwritten. Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
19387 October. Memorandum from J. Volney Lewis to the regional director. Port Angeles, Washington.
193818 October. Memorandum from Olympic National Park superintendent to the regional director. Port Angeles, Washington.
194030 January. Memorandum from Arno Cammerer, National Park Service director, to the secretary of the Interior. Port Angeles, Washington.
194010 April. Memorandum from Preston P. Macy to the director. Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
194024 April. Letter from R. Baldwin Myers to F. A. Polson. Port Angeles, Washington.
194010 September. Memorandum to the director. (Incomplete document.) Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
194010 December. Memorandum from National Park Service acting chief of forestry to the director of the National Park Service. Port Angeles, Washington.
1940n.d. National monuments, Mount Olympus. Administrative and personnel reports, monthly narrative, superintendents. File no. 207—02.3. Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
19429 January. Memorandum to the director. National monuments, Mount Olympus, administrative and personnel, reports, monthly narrative, superintendents. Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
1942n.d. National monuments, Mount Olympus, administration and personnel, reports, monthly narrative, superintendents. Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
1945August. Twenty Jap balloons found in Washington: None in area. Port Angeles Evening News. Port Angeles, Washington.
ca. 1945How to reach Deer Park lodge. Port Angeles, Washington.
1947Superintendent's monthly reports, 10 February, 7 August, 5 December. Port Angeles, Washington.
1949Olympic National Park. Roy E. Thomas, Jr., Waumila Lodge schedule of rates for the 1949 season. Port Angeles, Washington.
195123 April. Memorandum from Preston Macy, superintendent, Olympic National Park, regarding historical values. Port Angeles, Washington.
1956Reminiscences of Harry Kittredge as told to John M. Kauffman. Port Angeles, Washington.
1960Magill, Elwin A. Manganese deposits on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Photocopy. Staircase Ranger Station.
196414 February. Letter from Edward A. Kummil, regional director, to Olympic National Park superintendent. Port Angeles, Washington.
196418 February. Memorandum from chief park naturalist to superintendent, Olympic National Park, regarding Nylund homestead. Port Angeles, Washington.
19645 March. Letter from John Doerr, Olympic National Park superintendent, to the regional director. Port Angeles, Washington.
196417 March. Historic American Buildings Survey. Black and White Lakes miner's cabin. Photocopy. Staircase Ranger Station.
ca. 1967Pioneers in a wilderness. Marvin Thomas. Port Angeles, Washington.
19681 August. Transcription of interview with Vince Storland with sketch map. Port Angeles, Washington.
ca. 1968Early days on Hood Canal. Lester Dickinson. Typescript. Staircase Ranger Station.
197224 November. Report of Survey. Report No. 9500—3—0016. Port Angeles, Washington.
197518 April. Interview with Andy Scott by Robert Keatts. Typed transcription. Staircase Ranger Station.
1975n.d. A brief history of Krause Bottom. Russell Dalton. Typescript. Port Angeles, Washington.
ca. 1976Staircase. Typescript. Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
197722 March. Lars Ahlstrom and Pete Roose: Pioneers in second wave at Lake Ozette. Michelle Dhanuk. Port Angeles, Washington.
197714 July. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. William Schwab to Quinault Ranger Station, Olympic National Park. Photocopy. Port Angeles, Washington.
197712 August. Letter from Robert Keatts to Frank Williss. Port Angeles, Washington.
ca. 1979n.d. Valley stories. Joe Mowbry. Port Angeles, Washington.
198023 August. Peter Roose relative interview. (Information from an interview with Gertrude Roose by Steve Kirsher.) Typescript. Port Angeles, Washington.
ca. 1980History of exploration and mountaineering, Olympic Mountains. Rich Olson. Port Angeles, Washington.
198220 June. Letter from Russell Dalton to Al Cunningham and Rich Stokes, Elwha Ranger Station. Port Angeles, Washington.
1982n.d. Sol Duc Hot Springs resort group. Jonathan Dembo. Port Angeles, Washington.
ca. 1982n.d. Survey—inventory form for Enchanted Valley Chalet. Earl Lewis, chairman, Conservation Committee, Olympians, Inc.
n.d.Memorandum from Hartzell, district ranger, to chief ranger, superintendent, naturalist, Olympic National Park. Port Angeles, Washington.
n.d.Peninsula profile no. 10: Charlie Keller's career embraces great variety of frontier skills. Jack Henson. Port Angeles, Washington.
many datesHistoric photo collection. Pioneer Memorial Visitor Center. Port Angeles, Washington.
1978Olsen, Susan C. and Mary Randlett. An illustrated history of Mason County, Washington. Seattle: Craftsman Press.
1983Olson, Richard. Interview with author. Port Angeles, Washington, 16 August.
Olympian (Olympia, Washington).
1939a21 November. Fink objects to park plans.
1939b21 November. Unrestricted mining asked in Park area.
ca. 1930Olympians Incorporated Collection. Hoquiam, Washington. The boast of the coast. Olympic Recreation Company.
Olympic Leader (Port Angeles, Washington).
19072 August. University interested, p. 1, col. 5.
19076 September. Would make great resort, p. 1, col. 3, 4.
19157 May. $50,000 invested in lake hotel, p. 6, col. 3.
191721 August. Mining engineer impressed with Gregory project, p. 3, col. 6.
1979Olympic Mountain Rescue, The Mountaineers. Climbers guide to the Olympic Mountains. Seattle: The Mountaineers.
ca. 1920Olympic Peninsula Resort and Hotel Association. Ovington's. N.d.: N.p.
ca. 1946______. The Olympic Peninsula: America's last great frontier invites you. N.d.: N.p.
Oregon Journal (Portland, Oregon).
19208 August. Alone in the Olympics: Narrative of 16 day hike: girl tells experience. Henrietta McKaugham, p. 1, col. 5-6.
Oregonian (Portland, Oregon).
189227 April. Olympic minerals, p. 3, col. 6.
193423 October. William G. Steel dies at Medford, p.3, col. 1, 2.
19399 July. Motor cruises of 1939: Olympic Peninsula loop, p. 7.
1981Overland, Larry. Early settlement of Lake Cushman. Belfair, Washington: Mason County Historical Society.
(PADN) Port Angeles Daily News (Port Angeles, Washington).
197722 September. Logs and logging: Always part of peninsula.
1977n.d. The search for oil an old story on the peninsula.
19814 October. End of an era: Park expansion dooms Ozette lifestyle. Susan Gordon.
1983a1 May. Beardslee may have been just landlocked steelhead. Bob Steelquist, p. C—1.
1983b1 May. Hatcheries helped decimate prized trout, p. C—1.
198310 June. Inn will go out. Bob Steelquist, p. 1, col. 3-6.
(PAEN) Port Angeles Evening News (Port Angeles, Washington).
19195 August. Build roads in national forests.
193310 June. Forest army captures Elwha, p. 1, col. 2, 3.
193319 July. Elwha CCC force carries on regardless of road uncertainties and sob journalism. Now housed in neat new camp buildings, p. 1. col. 4.
193321 September. Re-enlistment at Elwha camp is 90 percent complete, p. 1, col. 7.
19346 January. Elwha corpsmen complete 22 miles road, p. 1, col. 3.
193421 March. Projects of CCC vital to Port Angeles. Watershed protection provided by mountain roads, p. 1.
19343 April. All CCC camps except Louella will be moved out of county according to official news received today, p. 1, col. 2.
193424 September. Clallam County again to have three camps of CCC this winter, p. 1, col. 2.
193527 March. Corpsmen better campgrounds in Elwha River area, p. 1.
193611 December. Organization and work of CCC in western Washington explained.
193721 April. Bruckart tells of work planned for Elwha corps.
193716 July. Camp Snider CCC force moving to Elwha this week, p. 1, col. 3.
193730 September. Ski ground made possible by CCC program.
193810 March. Abandonment of Elwha CCC camp being protested, p. 1, col. 6.
193830 September. Elwha CCC camp to become Park Service outfit.
193920 October. Further account of Olympic Park projects p. 1, col. 4, 5.
194010 February. Peninsula has much manganese expert claims.
194013 April. Olympic Park headquarters site beehive of activity.
194119 June. Spring snow for skiing shown at Soleduck park.
194614 June. Dedication of Olympic National Park at Rosemary Inn Saturday afternoon.
19462 August. Hurricane Ridge seen as an ideal location for lodge.
194610 September. Lars Ahlstrom home, three miles west of Lake Ozette, farthest west in country.
19475 July. The story of Mr. Malone and the tragedy of the first oil well ever drilled on the peninsula. K. O. Erickson.
1950n.d. William Everett, pioneer, born at Freshwater 82 years ago, dies here. Jack Henson.
195328 November. Resort industry dates back to early Lake Crescent innkeepers.
19556 October. Nylund home in Ozette district is landmark, symbol of pioneer era. Jack Henson.
19667 February. Move toward area park began early.
19665 July. High Divide access road a possibility.
1890Perry, W. A. Elk hunting in the Olympic Mountains. In The big game of North America: Its habits, habitats, haunts nd characteristics, ed. George O. Shield. New York: Rand McNally.
1976Pethick Derek. First approaches to the Northwest coast. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Douglas and McIntyre.
1931Peyton, Douglas. Motoring on the Olympic Peninsula. Argus, 23 December, 49-69.
1971Phillips, James W. Washington State place names. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Port Angeles Tribune-Times (Port Angeles, Washington).
19072 August. The scaling of Mount Olympus.
1982aPritchard, Mary E. Interview with author. Port Angeles, Washington, 19 July.
1982b______. Personal communication with author, 19 August.
1906Putnam, W. T. Lake Cushman as a summer resort. Washington Magazine, May, 187-92.
1955Rakeshaw, Lawrence. A history of forest conservation in the Pacific Northwest, 1891-1915. Ph.D. diss., University of Washington.
1978Ramsey, Guy Reed. Postmarked Washington: Jefferson. Clallam and Mason Counties. Burtonsville, Maryland: The Depot.
1909Reagan, Albert B. Some notes on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. In Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences (no. 22): 131-238
1885Report of the Secretary of the Interior: Territory of Washington. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
1968Rienitis, Rex and Thea Rienitis. The voyages of Captain Cook. London: Paul Hanlyn.
1971Robinson, Thelma A. Klahhane Club. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 273-74. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1979Roe, JoAnn. Northwest inn history. Westways (no. 7): 40-43.
1934Roloff, Clifford Edwin. The Mount Olympus National Monument. Washington Historical Quarterly 25 (no. 3): 214-28.
1971Russell, Jervis, ed. Jimmy come lately: History of Clallam County: A symposium. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1972Sainsbury, George. Olympic place names. Off Belay, August, 36-41.
1967Salmond, John A. The Civilian Conservation Corps: A New Deal study. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
1940Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Sr. The New Deal in action, 1933-1939. New York: MacMillan Company.
1971Schoeffel, Jeanette Everett. Olympic Hot Springs. In Jimmy come lately, ed. Jervis Russell, 412-15. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1939Schwartz, John E. Range conditions and management of the Roosevelt elk on the Olympic Peninsula. U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Forest Service. Unpublished. Typescript.
1902Scientific American Supplement. Olympic Forest Reserve, 1 March, 21882-3.
1911-1942Seattle City Directory. Seattle: R. L. Polk and Company.
(Seattle PI) Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Seattle, Washington).
189022 May. The promised land, p. 9, col. 3.
189028 May. Farms in the Olympics, p. 9, col. 4, 5.
1890a5 June. Unknown no longer, p. 9, col. 4-7.
1890b5 June. The Olympics opened, p. 1, col. 1.
189026 June. Norman Kelley's explorations, p. 9, col. 6.
18901 July. That unknown land, p. 8, col. 3, 4.
189016 July. Hunt's road in Olympics, p. 8, col. 5.
189014 August. Many rich mines.
18911 January. The wild Olympic range, p. 22, col. 5-6.
18968 October. Over the Olympics, p. 19, col. 2-6.
190224 May. Great progress in the Olympic Peninsula.
190623 July. Undertake to open heart of Olympics, p. 9, col. 5.
193128 June. Road around peninsula to open August 26.
193827 August. Text of address by Ickes on park.
1915Seattle, Port Angeles & Western Railway Company. A new empire. Seattle: Izzard Company. Unnumbered pages.
Seattle Press (Seattle, Washington).
1890a16 July. The Olympics: An account of the explorations made by the Press explorers.
1890b16 July. Belittling Lieutenant O'Neil.
1890c16 July. Semple's striking report.
1888Semple, Eugene. The Olympic Mountains. Westshore, August, 428-29.
1951Shankland, Robert. Steve Mather of the national parks. New York: Knopf.
1939Short, C. W. and R. Stanley-Brown. Public buildings: A study of architectural projects constructed by federal and other government bodies between the years 1933 and 1939 with the assistance of the Public Works Administration. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
1969Shrader, Grahame F. The phantom war in the Northwest. N.p.: N.p.
1907Smith, A. A. The Olympics. Steel Points, July, 141-45.
1922Smith, A. E. First ascent of Mount Constance, The Mountaineer, December, 58-62.
1977Smith, LeRoy. Pioneers of the Olympic Peninsula. Forks, Washington: Olympic Graphic Arts, Inc.
1981Spring, Ira. Lookouts: Firewatchers of the Cascades and Olympics. Seattle: The Mountaineers.
(ST) Seattle Times (Seattle, Washington).
189717 July. Into the Olympics, p. 5, col. 3.
190716 June. To scale Mount Olympus.
190724 July. Club explores wilds in cause of education.
192415 July. Camera expedition will penetrate scenic wilds of Olympic frontier.
19305 October. A Seattle 'Tarzan' conquers the Olympics, p. 3, col. 1-6.
195029 October. Mile-high resort for Olympic Park, magazine section, p. 11.
195223 March. Movie displays Olympic Park's marvel to U.S., p. 10, col. 1-4.
19615 November. Coast road at Lake Ozette is still question mark, p. 10-11.
19622 January. There were no wheels on the Queets, Sunday magazine, p. 8-9.
196228 January. Homesteaders fought the Olympic wilds in 1907.
196519 September. Six years on the Sol Duc [sic] were enough, p. 4-5.
1976Steen, Harold K. The U.S. Forest Service: A history. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
1983Stokes, Richard. Interview with author. Port Angeles, Washington, 30 October.
1913Streater, Gertrude. The Olympic outing—1913. The Mountaineer, no month, (vol. 6), 19-32.
1973Jane Donaldson. The James Donaldson family. In Trails and trails of the pioneers of the Olympic Peninsula, comp. Lucile Horr Cleland, 283-93. Seattle: Shorey Book Store.
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189025 May. The Olympic Peninsula, p. 5, col. 3.
189019 October. After many weeks, p. 1, col. 1-2.
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Tacoma Daily News (Tacoma, Washington).
190717 August. Peaks of Olympic range as hard to climb as Tacoma and higher mountains of Cascades, pp. 17-18.
Tacoma News Tribune (Tacoma, Washington).
19771 May. Judge Remann: Champion of the young in trouble. Caroline Kellogg.
Tacoma News Tribune and Sunday Ledger (Tacoma, Washington).
196010 January. Hunting for oil in the early days. Harold Otho Stone, p. 6, col. 1-5.
19699 November. Tacoman pioneered in Queets Valley. Rowena L. Alcorn.
1929Tacoma Who's Who. South Tacoma, Washington: South Tacoma Star, Inc.
1972Taylor, Eva Cook. The lure of Tubal Cain. Port Orchard, Washington: Publisher's Printing.
1923Taylor, Will H. The Olympic highway. Argus, 8 December, 28, 32.
1923Thompson, Henry E. Conquering Mount Constance. Outing, April, 3-7.
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(TRL) Timberland Regional Library. Hoquiam, Washington.
ca. 1920n.d. Both oil and gas are seeping at numerous places in peninsula. C. D. McClure. Scrapbook: 1920-1921, p. 9.
19228 August. Forest Service reserves 6,754 acres at lake. Scrapbook: 1922-1923, p. 141.
192414 October. Olympic Peninsula is wonder district. Scrapbook: 1924-1925, p. 24.
ca. 1924n.d. Queets. Scrapbook: 1924-1925.
192523 July. Seven new trails in Olympics. Scrapbook: 1924-1925, p. 246.
19304 January. Wilderness is biggest asset says Mumaw. Scrapbook: 1930-1931, p. 282.
19306 February. Mathias leads Olympic loop road boosting. Scrapbook: 1930-1931, p. 282.
19308 February. Loop trip to be possible by fall of 1931, promise. Scrapbook: 1930-1931, p. 281.
ca. 1930n.d. Chalets offer hikers shelter in wilderness. Scrapbook: 1930-1931, p. 304.
193121 February. Lot of trail and some road work in Olympics this year. Scrapbook: 1930-1931. p. 293.
19317 August. Many hotels and auto camps available for all making loop road trips. Scrapbook: 1930-1931, p. 298.
193125 August. Mumaw steers development in peninsula area. Scrapbook: 1930-1931, p. 303.
19311 December. Sims no. 1, a producer. Northwest Oil and Gas World. Scrapbook: 1930-1931, p. 315.
ca. 1931n.d. Officials, Indians open new highway. Scrapbook: 1930-1931, p. 303.
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1983______. Organizational values and political power: The Forest Service versus the Olympic National Park. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
University of California. Berkeley, California. Bancroft Library.
1878Puget Sound nomenclature and general description. Eugene Ellicott. Manuscript Collection.
1880Account of the only trip ever made by white man from Hood's Canal to the ocean, over the top of the Olympic Mountains. In Notes on the history and resources of Washington. Vol. 19. Eldridge Morse. Hubert Howe Bancroft Collection.
ca. 1920U.S. Army and U.S. Spruce Production Corporation. History of Spruce Production Division. N.p.: N.p.
1936U.S. Congress. House. Committee on the Public Lands. Hearings on a bill to establish the Mount Olympus National Park in the state of Washington. 74th Cong., 2nd sess., H. R. 7086. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
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