Historic Resource Study
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The Ozark Riverways and the "New South": Change in the Homeland, 1870-1920 (continued)

Alley store
Figure 18. Interior of Alley store with local residents sitting around the soda fountain, c. 1915. Photographer unknown. Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

school class
Figure 19. Class photograph of Storys Creek School, Shannon County, 1903. Photographer unknown. Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

school boy
Figure 20. School boy with a lunch pail and book bag. Photographer and date unknown. Unreal Boyd Collection. Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

Buttin Rock School
Figure 21. Buttin Rock School, Shannon County, 1987. Donald L. Stevens, Jr. Midwest Region.

Lower Park School
Figure 22. Lower Park School, Dent County, 1987. Donald L. Stevens, Jr. Midwest Region.

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Last Updated: 02-Mar-2005