Historic Resource Study
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The Ozark Riverways and the "New South": Continuity in the Homeland, 1870-1920 (continued)

birthday party
Figure 26. Birthday gathering at Nichols Farm, c. 1920s? Photographer unknown. Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

Susie Nichols on horse
Figure 27. Susie Nichols on horse in front of the Nichols' house. Date of photograph unknown. Ray Vickery. Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

Nichols house
Figure 28. Nichols' house restored in the 1980s, 1987. Donald L. Stevens, Jr. Midwest Region.

Nichols Barn
Figure 29. Nichols' barn and corncrib restored in 1980s, 1987. Donald L. Stevens, Jr. Midwest Region.

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Last Updated: 02-Mar-2005