On-line Book

A Study of the Park and Recreation Problem of the United States





Supplemental Foreword


Recreational Habits and Needs

Aspects of Recreational Planning

Present Public Outdoor Recreational Facilities




A Park and Recreational Land Plan

A Study of the Park and Recreation Problem of the United States
National Park Service Arrowhead

A Park and Recreational Land Plan for the United States (continued)


SIXTY-FIVE PERCENT of the State's people live in Providence or its immediate environs. Rhode Island, the smallest State in the Union, is also the most densely populated (628 persons per square mile, 1936 State census). Approximately 92 percent of the population is urban and characterized by heavy industrial activity. Providence is the chief center of population, trade, transportation, and industry in the State. Trends show a slight decrease in total population since 1930.

The State's principal recreational resources are its 452 miles of coastal shore line, including fine stretches of sandy ocean beaches and its 413 square miles of tidal-water area. Its climate, scenic beauty, and fine coastal shore line attract thousands of summer residents and transient visitors to over 50 summer resorts (most important are Newport, Narragansett, and Watch Hill).

Its large low-income foreign population residing in congested urban sections is unable to travel much beyond its immediate neighborhood for recreation.

Of its 26,290 acres of public recreational lands, only one-third is within 25 miles of Providence. Hence, the greatest need is for additional park acreage near this city. There is also a need for additional public holdings on its ocean front and tidal waters. Additional facilities for bathing, picnicking, and camping are badly needed.

(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)


Recreational demonstration area:
5. Beach Pond3,472

Soil Conservation Service land development project:
Rhode Island Forest:
3. Woody Hill Area711
10. Bowdish Area3,061
13. Arcadia Area7,634
16. Carolina Area1,434


State parks:
6. Beach Pond1,483
8. Mt. Vernon Forest Park Reservation8.37
12. Nooseneck Hill Forest Park Reservation15.36
14. Dawley Memorial151.36
15. Arcadia Forest Park Reservation55.74
18. Burlingame Reservation3,100
39. Troop "C"9.04
40. Meshanticut32.55
41. Nentaconkamet Hill14
42. Dyerville Reservation38.30
44. Peter Randall Reservation36
48. Diamond Hill Forest Park Reservation373.42
50. Lincoln Woods Reservation692.92
51. Canada Pond Reservation3.65
52. Corliss Park25.15
53. Metcalf Field Reservation5.95
54. West River Reservation8.03
56. Merino Park20.24
57. Mashapaug Pond Reservation55
58. Edgewood Beach Reservation37.49
59. Pawtuxet River Reservation81.38
60. Stillhouse Cove Reservation41.50
62. Nausauket Beach Reservation15.5120
63. Arnold's Neck Reservation3
64. Chepiwanoxet Reservation.70
65. Goddard Memorial472
73. Scarborough Beach23.94200
74. Sand Hill Cove Reservation27
77. Stafford Pond Forest Park Reservation10.76
78. Baines Memorial Park101.70
81. Seekonk River Reservation20.45
82. Ten Mile River Reservation104


Proposed State parks:
1. Misquamicut Beach

20. Washington Seashore

24. South Kingstown
25. Worden Pond
37. Howland Estate
46. Sprague
47. Woonsocket Hills
66. Charles Davol
68. Pettaquamscut River
72. Washington



State monuments:
19. General Stanton

21. Fort Neck Lot.75
22. Indian Burial Grounds20.68
28. Great Swamp Fight Site41
35. Queen's Fort53
55. Stephen Hopkins

70. J. Bull Garrison House Site.71
75. Oliver Hazard Perry


State waysides:
2. Ashawoag Grove12.35
4. Red Brook Grove.65
11. Pcnagansett Grove1.58
17. Grand Pre Park2.42
26. Miantonomi Grove1.06
27. Mixanno Grove.98
29. Beaver River Grove.50
30. Barber's Pond Grove.56
31. Quanatumpic Glove3.14
32. Bassoqutagaug Grove3.79
33. Exeter Grove2.39
34. Matantuck Grove1.16
36. Stony Brook Grove4.19
43. Eseke Hopkins Grove24.30
45. Washington Grove18.71
49. Win. Blackstone Grove4.21
67. Richard Smith Grove.64
69. Hannah Robinson Park.90
71. Brenton Grove5.15
76. Lehigh Hill Park.30

State forests:
7. Wickaboxet287.79
9. George Washington Memorial246.20

State parkways:
38. Dean19.70
61. Narragansett55.50
79. Metropolitan Park Drive2.70
80. Barrington118.20

Proposed State parkways:
23. Seashore Parkway

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