Administrative History
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Seasonal Ranger Truax
Seasonal Ranger Truax with visitors from the Minnesota Historical Tour at the Nicollet Marker, September 24, 1950. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

dedication ceremony
The dedication ceremony for the new Visitor's Center at Pipestone National Monument in 1958. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Visitor's Center
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Visitor's Center. From left, Park Superintendent Paul Webb; Bea Burns, Sen. Edward Thye (R-Minn.); NPS Director Conrad L. Wirth; Minn. Lt. Gov. Karl Rolvaag; U.S. Rep. H. Carl Anderson (R-Minn.); and Dr. Walter G. Benjamin. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Visitor's Center
The front of the Visitor's Center at Pipestone National Monument. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

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Last Updated: 21-Aug-2004