Cultures at a Crossroads: An Administrative History
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Zion Natural History Association

The Zion Natural History Association (ZNHA) had operated a branch sales outlet at Pipe Spring in the old visitor contact station. With the larger space rented by the Park Service in its new visitor center, the association realized a 300 percent increase in sales in 1973 over 1972. In 1973 the association provided funds for the dedication program for the visitor center and for the purchase of books for the library. It also published a Pipe Spring poster that sold well. During 1974, ZNHA sales increased by another 45 percent. The association contributed $1,147 to the monument that year for library books and supplies for the interpretive program. Sales continued to rise in 1975 by 58 percent. In addition to books, slides, and postcards, the association sold quilts, an expensive item that boosted revenue. [2186] That year the ZNHA donated $680 to the monument for library books and to purchase a wagon to be used in the living history program and 1976 wagon trek. Association sales again showed a 25 percent increase in 1976 and the ZNHA contributed $1,040 to the monument. The association donated $943 to the monument in 1977. That year its sales in the visitor center showed a slight decrease over the previous year. In 1978 sales once again showed a slight decline. That year the ZNHA donated $2,200, $1,571 of which was used for the purchase of a reproduction cheese vat for the fort. Sales in 1979 showed an 11 percent increase over 1978. The association gave $859 that year to the monument for its interpretive program, the museum, and library.

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006