Cultures at a Crossroads: An Administrative History
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Building Maintenance Issues

By the end of the 1980s, the Park Service's concern about inadequate visitor center maintenance by the Tribe led to a July 13, 1989, inspection by Contracting Officer Representative Leslie J. Powell, Rocky Mountain Region. A deadline of October 31, 1989, was set for the Tribe to correct problems identified by Powell. As the deadline arrived, Superintendent Hasty reported that aside from repairs to a water fountain and air conditioner, little corrective action had been taken. In addition, Hasty reported, during the prior three months several verbal complaints had been received from visitors regarding the appearance of the building, its upkeep, maintenance, and condition of the grounds, sidewalks, and parking lot. Hasty stated,

In general, the rundown condition of this building is conveying a very poor image of the National Park Service, which is uncalled for and needs to be corrected without any further delay. If the Tribe is unable to maintain this building, it should be turned over to the NPS. [2322]

Powell notified Tribal Manager Cecil Scott of the Tribe's responsibility to address deficiencies and extended the deadline for repairs to November 9. Failure to do so, Powell warned, would result in the matter being turned over to the Government Services Administration contracting officer for resolution. [2323] Although repairs were not completed by the deadline, Scott assured Powell in phone conversations and correspondence that the newly-elected Tribal Council would see that repairs were completed and building well-maintained, acknowledging the failure of the prior tribal administration to do so. [2324]

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006