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1. Heintzelman to Crook, Dec. 15, 1857, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of Calif. The movement of the Tolowa, willing to emigrate, had been completed by August 5, 1857.

2. Citizens of Crescent City to Clarke, Sept. 8, 1857, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

3. Crook, Autobiography, p. 55; Crook to Mackall, Sept. 27, 1857, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

4. Crook, Autobiography, p. 55.

5. Ibid.; Crook to Mackall, Oct. 21, 1857, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

6. Ibid. The Klamath at this point was a quarter of a mile across, with a powerful current.

7. Crook, Autobiography, p. 56. Agent Heintzelman had been very cooperative in supplying the military with tools, especially as orders forwarded to Crescent City took two weeks, to fill.

8. Crook to Mackall, Oct. 21, 1857, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept., of the Pacific.

9. Crook, Autobiography, 56-57; Crook to Mackall, Nov. 17, 1857, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept of the Pacific.

10. Crook to Mackall, Nov. 17, 1857, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

11. Heintzelman to Crook, Dec. 15, 1857, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

12. Henley to Denver, Dec. 19, 1857, NA, RG 75, 01A, Calif. Supt.

13. Ibid.

14. Crook to Mackall, Dec. 25, 1857, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept of the Pacific.

15. Ibid. Crook likened these whites to the ones who had "commenced the Rogue River War by going to a settler's garden after night in their bare feet, destroying the vegetables, [and] firing his home. And then the next day, one of this same party, who was an officer in a Volunteer Company, helped massacre a Rancheria of innocent Indians for the alleged depredations." Another nasty incident in that war was participated in by two of the men of this company, "who slept with two Indian women and the next a.m. beat their brains out." He had evidence that these same men were behind the clash at Wau-Kell on November 17.

16. Ibid.

17. Crook, Autobiography, pp. 57-58.

18. Crook to Mackall, May 11, 1858, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd,, Dept of Pacific.

19. Muster Rolls & Returns, Company B, 4th U. S. Infantry, NA.

20. Collins to Mackall, July 29, 1858, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

21. Crook to Mackall, July 29, 1858, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

22. Master Rolls & Returns, Cos. B & D, 4th U.S. Infantry, NA.

23. Crook to Mackall, Nov. 21 & Dec. 8, 1858, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

24. Crook to Mackall, Dec. 30, 1858, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

25. Crescent City Citizens to Mackall, July 21, 1859, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

26. Bledsoe, History of Del Norte County, p. 61.

27. Crescent City Citizens to Mackall, July 21, 1859, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific. Del Norte County was organized in 1857 by a division of Klamath County.

28. Crook to Mackall, Sept. 23, 1859, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

29. Ibid.

30. Crook to Mackall, Aug. 30, 1859, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

31. Crook to Mackall, Oct. 19, 1859, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

32. Muster Rolls & Returns, Co. D, 4th U. S. Infantry, NA.

33. McBeth, Lower Klamath Country, pp. 39-40.

34. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Washington, 1880-1900), (Series I) 50, (pt. 1), 522-523, Cited hereinafter as O.R.

35. Muster Rolls & Returns, Co. C, 4th U.S. Infantry, NA.

36. Hunt to Drum, Aug. 31, 1861, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

37. O.R., (Series I), 50, (pt. 1), 743.

38. Hunt to Drum, Dec. 5, 1861, NA, RG 98, Ltrs. Recd., Dept. of the Pacific.

39. O.R. (Series I), 50, (pt. 1), 805. The garrison numbered 55, including officers. The three buildings left standing were officers' quarters. McBeth, Lower Klamath Country, p. 40.

40. The District included the counties of Del Norte, Klamath, Humboldt, Trinity, Mendocino, Sonoma, and Napa. OR, (Series I), 50, (pt. 1), 800.

41. Ibid., pp. 909-910. Fred B. Rogers, "Early Military Posts of Del Norte County," California Historical Society Quarterly, 26, 3.

42. Young, History of Del Norte, p. 57.

43. Rogers, "Early Military Posts of Del Norte County," California Historical Society Quarterly, 26, 3.

44. Young, History of Del Norte, p. 57.

45. O. R. (Series I), 50, (pt.1), 952.

46. Ibid., p. 1062.

47. Ibid., pp. 1062-1963.

48. Ibid., p. 1088.

49. Ibid., p. 1087.

50. Ibid., p. 1092.

51. Ibid., p. 1093,

52. Rogers, "Early Military Posts of Del Norte County," California Historical Society Quarterly, 26, 3.

53. Ibid., 3.

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