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lumber mill crew
Crew at J. Wenger & Co.'s Mill, circa 1900. Richard A. Childs Collection.

log dump
Log Dump, Hobbs, Wall Mill. The logs are being dumped off the cars with jackscrews. By 1915 this operation had been replaced, and the logs were pulled off the cars with capstans. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

salmon cannery
"Del Norte Salmon Cannery, Requa, Cal.," circa 1915. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

View of Requa, California, circa 1913, photograph by Hazeltine. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

salmon fishing
"Salmon Fishing at the Mouth of Klamath River, Requa, California," photograph by Hazeltine, 1913. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

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Last Updated: 15-Jan-2004