The Regional Review

Volume I - No. 4

October, 1938


Orin M. Bullock, Jr., born in California, received his early education there, then came East for advanced architectural training at Harvard. He spent eight years in architectural work in Boston, New York, and with the Williamsburg Restoration. Having entered the Richmond office of the Service, he has served continuously here since February, 1934, first as District Architect, later as Assistant Regional Officer, and now as Regional Architect.

Stanley M. Hawkins came to the Service from the field of sanitary engineering and camping. He began his camping experience in 1913 and has attended many camps since then as member and leader. He has received camp training in the United States and Canada. For four years at a large camp site he supervised construction and guided leadership training courses for men.

Herbert E. Kahler, Coordinating Superintendent of the seven National Monuments of the Southeast, has been stationed at Fort Marion for nearly five years. He had entered the Service a short time before as a member of the staff at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park. Now a candidate for the Doctorate at the University of Minnesota, he holds a baccalaureate and a Master's from Nebraska.

John I. Neasmith, a graduate forester of Syracuse, entered the Service in 1934 and became District Projects Manager in the New York office. Transferred to the Richmond office by the consolidation of 1937, he now is an Associate Recreational Specialist. Most of his time is devoted to camping activities of the northern Recreational Demonstration Areas.

Charles W. Porter's ability as a seasoned researcher already has gained national recognition. Last year he was awarded the George Lewis Beer Prize of the American Historical Association for his Career of Théophile Declassé, described as the best book of 1937 in the field of European international relations since 1895. A graduate of Virginia, he won his Ph. D. at Pennsylvania and has pursued advanced studies at Yale and as an exchange fellow at the French universities of Toulouse and Lyons. He entered the Service here in 1935 and has just been transferred to the Washington office in the Branch of Historic Sites.

R. C. Robinson, a staff member since 1935, holds a Master's from the University of Arkansas and has engaged in advanced studies at Columbia. He is Regional Recreational Planner, devoting most of his energies to the Recreational Study.

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