The Regional Review

Volume IV - No. 3

March, 1940

Transfers and Assignments

BLAIR A. ROSS, of Memphis, Tennessee, who served for many years in the Corps of United States Engineers, entered on duty this month as Superintendent of Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee.

W. W. LUCKETT, formerly Acting Superintendent at Shiloh National Military Park, has entered on duty as Superintendent at Ocmulgee National Monument, Georgia, and JOHN C. EWERS, who had been Acting Superintendent there, will serve in his regular designation as Museum Curator.

JAMES M. FORD, formerly Chief Clerk at Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi, has been promoted to Assistant Superintendent.

HAROLD H. HAWKINS, formerly Assistant Geologist assigned to the Washington office, has been appointed Geologist with headquarters in the Region One office.

THOMAS M. PITKIN and EDWARD M. RILEY, Associate and Junior Historical Technician respectively, and CONRAD B. BENTZEN, Junior Archeologist, have entered on duty at Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia.

ELMER E. EDWARDS has entered on duty at Shiloh National Military Park as Park Ranger.

HAROLD W. SORRILL, formerly Executive Officer at Colonial National Historical Park, has been transferred to the Region One headquarters as CCC Field Auditor.

CLARENCE SCHULTZ, Junior Historical Technician, Statue of Liberty National Monument, Bedloe's Island, has been transferred to Fort McHenry National Monument, Maryland, in an exchange with FREDERIC ROUSH.

IRA B. LYKES, Assistant Inspector, has been detailed as Acting General Project Superintendent, North Carolina Beach Erosion Control Project, following the resignation of A. C. STRATTON, who had held that position. Mr. Stratton accepted a post with the National Youth Administration.

JERRY G. BETTS, formerly Junior Landscape Architect at Vicksburg National Military Park, has been transferred to Spring Lake State Park, Mississippi, as Senior Foreman Landscape Architect.

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