The Regional Review

Volume IV - No. 3

March, 1940


WILLIAM M. HAY, the first person employed by Tennessee exclusively for state park work, farmed on the Ozark Mountains at 10 and in the cotton belt at 16. He entered landscape practice nine years ago and for the last four years has been associated with Tennessee's state park program. He is in charge of operations.

CLIFFORD C. PRESNALL entered the Service in 1929 at Yosemite National Park after having attended its School of Field Natural History. He was park naturalist at Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks. Two years ago he was transferred to Washington as assistant chief of the Wildlife Division, which recently became the Section of National Park Wildlife of the Biological Survey. Born 40 years ago in Iowa, he was reared in Oregon and is an alumnus ('23) of its State College.

MAURICE SULLIVAN, who has been park naturalist at Acadia National Park since 1936, had been stationed formerly in Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks as junior wildlife technician. He was born in Illinois. Holding degrees from Eastern Illinois State Teachers College and the University of Chicago, he was a graduate student and teaching fellow at the University of California and an instructor at the University of Rochester. He is a graduate of the Yosemite School of Field Natural History.

HUGH R. AWTREY (Vol. II, No. 6); ALFRED F. HOPKINS (Vol. II, No. 2, and Vol. IV, No. 1); ROGERS W. YOUNG (Vol. III, No. 6).

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