The Regional Review

Volume IV - No. 6

June, 1940


ARNO B. CAMMERER, who, for health reasons, has just resigned as director of the National Park Service after seven years at that post, began his government career in 1904 in the Treasury Department. He was assistant to the secretary of the National Commission of Fine Arts, secretary of the Public Buildings Commission of Congress, and a member of numerous memorial commissions in the District of Columbia before he became assistant director of the Service in 1919. He was made director August 10, 1933. He received the 1938 Pugsley award for distinguished contributions to park development. Mr. Cammerer was born 57 years ago in Arapaho, Nebraska.

CHARLES M. GRAVES entered the Service in 1936 after 10 years of experience in the park, camping, and general recreational field. He was city recreational engineer for Birmingham, Alabama; park planner for Oneonta, New York, and director of recreation for Danville, Virginia. He now is in immediate charge of the Recreation Study in five southeastern states. He was born in Topeka, Kansas, and is an alumnus ('32) of Birmingham-Southern College.

HANS HUTH (Vol. IV, No. 3).

B. C. YATES (Vol. III, Nos. 4-5).

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