On-line Book

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Research and Education
in the National Parks




Part I

Part II


National Park Service
Research and Education in the National Parks
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In recognition of many years of service as chairman of the Committee on Public Lands of the House of Representatives, during which time important park legislation was enacted, Congress authorized, by act approved May 14, 1930, the construction within the boundaries of Crater Lake National Park of a memorial to the late Representative Nicholas J. Sinnott of Oregon.

Following this recommendation an attractive stone building was constructed on Victor Rock just inside the rim of Crater Lake. The structure, with its broad parapet looking out over the lake, serves as an orientation point for all park visitors. (See fig. 24.) A gift of $5,000 from the Carnegie Corporation has made possible the installation of instruments and numerous exhibits which assist the visitor in interpreting the geologic history of the lake and in appreciating the relationships between the scenic and the scientific. The installations at Sinnott Memorial as well as the general development of the educational program at Crater Lake have likewise been carried on under the supervision of Dr. John C. Merriam. Here again, as at Grand Canyon and at Yellowstone, an educational experiment has been arranged to determine the best means of presentation.

Crater Lake NP
FIGURE 24.—A view of Crater Lake as seen from the rim wall. Wizard Island, a perfect little volcano, is reflected in the deep blue waters of the lake. At the left partially hidden in a stand of mountain hemlock is the Sinnott Memorial building where visitors may view the lake from an unusually fine vantage point and at the same time learn something of the geologic history of the region.

Continued >>>

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