Rocky Mountain
Administrative History
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1. Carothers, Estes Park: Past and Present, pp. 56-57.

2. Ibid., pp. 57-58.

3. Shoemaker, "Story of Estes-Rocky Mountain National Park Region," p. 44.

4. Carothers, Estes Park: Past and Present, pp. 59-60.

5. Shoemaker, "Story of Estes-Rocky Mountain National Park Region," p. 46.

6. Supervisor's Annual Reports, 1915-1930, pp. 4-5. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

7. Supervisor's Monthly Report, September 1915, "Monthly Reports, 1915-1918," p. 2. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

8. The Denver Post, June 15, 1931.

9. Superintendent's Monthly Report, September 1917, "Monthly Reports, 1915-1918," pp. 4-5. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

10. Ibid., March 1918, p. 4.

11. Superintendent's Annual Report, 1918, "Annual Reports, 1915-1930," p. 9. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

12. Ibid., 1919, pp. 15-16.

13. Letter from Secretary of the Interior, Franklin K. Lane to Secretary of Treasury, Carter Glass, May 23, 1919; found in Rogers, "History of Legislation." Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

14. Superintendent's Monthly Report, February 1919, "Monthly Reports, 1919-1923," p. 4. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

15. Ibid., May 1919, pp. 4-5.

16. Superintendent's Annual Report, 1920, "Annual Reports, 1915-1930," pp. 11-13. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

17. John Ise, Our National Parks (Baltimore, 1961), p. 217.

18. Superintendent's Monthly Report, September 1921, "Monthly Reports, 1919-1923," p. 1. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

19. Ibid., March 1922, p. 3.

20. Estes Park Trail, April 7, 1922.

21. Superintendent's Monthly Report, July 1922, "Monthly Reports, 1919-1923," p. 8. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

22. Estes Park Trail, August 25, 1922.

23. Ibid., August 3, 1923.

24. Ibid.

25. Rocky Mountain News, April 2, 1924.

26. Ibid., April 4, 1924.

27. Western Highways Builder, June 1924.

28. The following is a summary of the monies spent on the construction and maintenance of trails and roads in Rocky Mountain National Park, 1916-1925.

Roads Trails

Construction Maintenance Construction Maintenance
1916$ 2,500---------
1917---$ 600------
1921---13,970---$ 838

Statement by Roger W. Toll, undated, Colorado vs. Toll correspondence. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

29. Superintendent's Annual Report, 1925, "Annual Reports, 1915-1930," pp. 2B-3B. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

30. Estes Park Trail, September 25, 1925.

31. Superintendent's Annual Report, 1925, "Annual Reports, 1915-1930," p. 11. Rocky Mountain National Park Library; and Engineering News-Record, October 2, 1924; and Rocky Mountain News, May 28, 1925; June 14, 1925.

32. Estes Park Trail, July 17, 1925.

33. Roger W. Toll, "Road Work in Rocky Mountain National Park," Colorado Highways (January 1926), p. 12.

34. Rocky Mountain News, July 28, 1927.

35. Ibid., June 8, 1930.

36. The Denver Post, January 27, 1929.

37. Author's interview with Edmund Rogers, July 13, 1964.

38. Rogers approached the challenge as "just another adventure." Officials at the Colorado National Bank evidently thought his adventuresome spirit was temporary, for they kept Rogers on a leave basis for several years, certain that he would return. Rogers, however, stayed with the Park Service even though this first position cost him a cut in salary. Ibid.

39. Ibid.

40. Ibid.

41. Ibid.

42. Estes Park Trail, August 20, 1926.

43. The Denver Post, October 14, 1928.

44. Superintendent's Monthly Report, September 1929, "Monthly Reports, 1927-1929." Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

45. Anna L. Newsom, "Trail Ridge Road . . . in Rocky Mountain National Park," The Highway Magazine, XXVII, (April 1936), p. 76.

46. Estes Park Trail, November 1, 1929.

47. Rocky Mountain News, May 8, 1930.

48. Included in Colt's work force were six foremen, eight shovel operators, eight oilers, five cooks, three blacksmiths, two mechanics, and one hundred and fifty laborers. For equipment, he had five gas shovels, one Ingersoll-Rand compressor, four portable compressors, three tractors, three blades, twenty trucks, and eight horses. Superintendent's Monthly Report, August 1930, "Monthly Reports, 1930-1931," pp. 4-5. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

49. Superintendent's Annual Report, 1932, "Annual Reports, 1931 1953," pp. 12-13. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

50. Great charges of dynamite were used to loosen rock, with blasts fired in sets of thirty. One charge near the summit contained 178 shots, totaling more than a half a ton of powder. Estes Park Trail, September 18, 1931.

51. Ibid.

52. Superintendent's Monthly Report, November 1931, "Monthly Reports, 1930-1931," p. 3. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

53. Ibid., August 4, 1932.

54. Superintendent's Annual Report, 1936, "Annual Reports, 1931 1953," p. 13. Rocky Mountain National Park Library.

55. Ibid.

56. Newsom, "Trail Ridge Road," p. 77

57. "National Parks (United States)," Collier's Encyclopedia, 8th edition, XVII, p. 182.

58. Author's interview with Edmund Rogers, July 13, 1964.

59. Estes Park Trail, September 18, 1931.

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