America's National Monuments
The Politics of Preservation
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Chapter 11:

1. Robert W. Righter, Crucible for Conservation: The Creation of Grand Teton National Park (Boulder: Colorado Associated University Press, 1982), 96-97; Sen. Henry Ashurst of Arizona stated during the 1933 hearings on the enlargement of Grand Teton National Park that "the other states are not going to put over on Wyoming something that her two Senators do not want."

2. Ibid., 105-6, 108.

3. Ibid., 108.

4. Ibid., 110-11.

5. Ibid., 114-15.

6. State of Wyoming vs. Charles J. Smith et al., 18 May 1943, NA, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson Hole National Monument, file 201-06.

7. Ibid.

8. Solicitor Jackson E. Price informed the Attorney General of the United States that the validity of the Grand Canyon National Monument was an issue in Cameron vs. U.S., 252 U.S. 450, on 17 June 1943. But Cameron only challenged the federal government's right to take title to land to which he had filed a claim (see NA, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson Hole National Monument file 201-06; Shankland, Steve Mather, 225-42; NA, RG 79, Series 6, Grand Canyon, file 12-5, and Series 17, Records of Horace M. Albright 1927-33, Grand Teton file).

9. State of Wyoming vs. Charles J. Smith et al.

10. Charles J. Smith memorandum for the Associate Director, 2 June 1943, NA, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson Hole National Monument, file 201-06.

11. Solicitor Jackson E. Price to Attorney General, 17 June 1943, NA, RG 79, Series 7. Jackson Hole National Monument, file 201-06.

12. See letters following the 3 December 1943 decision in the National Archives, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson National Monument, file 201-06, particularly a confidential memo date 6 December 1943 from Regional Director Lawrence C. Merriam to superintendent Paul Franke, who replaced Smith as the superintendent of the Grand Teton National Park.

13. Newton B. Drury memo, 7 January 1944, NA, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson Hole National Monument, file 201-06.

14. Hillary A. Tolson, 13 March 1944, memo for the files, NA, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson Hole National Monument, file 201-06.

15. Merrill J. Mattes to Director, 30 June 1944, NA, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson Hole National Monument, file 201-06.

16. Howard Baker memo to Newton B. Drury, 4 July 1944, NA, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson Hole National Monument, file 201-06.

17. Jackson E. Price memo to Newton B. Drury, 30 August 1944, NA, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson Hole National Monument, file 201-06.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. Paul Franke memo to Associate Director, 19 April 1944. NA, RG 79, Series 7, Jackson Hole National Monument. file 201-06.

21. Righter, Crucible for Conservation, 119.

22. Ibid., 113. 117.

23. Foresta, America's National Parks and Their Keepers, 54-55.

24. Barry Mackintosh, The National Parks: Shaping The System (Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1984), 9.

25. Among Hoover's lame-duck proclamations were the second Grand Canyon National Monument, proclaimed on 22 December 1932; White Sands, New Mexico, on 18 January 1933; Death Valley, on 11 February 1933; Saguaro, on 1 March 1933; and the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, on 2 March 1933. Albright, Birth of the National Park Service, 276-78, recounts Hoover's influence on the process.

26. William Everhart, The National Park Service (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972), 196-98; see also April L. Young, "Saving the C & O Canal: Citizen Participation in Historic Preservation" (unpublished M.A. thesis, George Washington University, 1973). Young's thesis is on file at the National Park Service Record Center, Harper's Ferry, West Virginia.

27. Ibid., 196-98, 177; this was substantiated during an interview with Park Service historian Barry Mackintosh, 15 January 1985.

28. Everhart, National Park Service, 176.

29. Ibid., 176.

30. Ibid., 177.

31. Ibid., 178.

32. William Everhart, The National Park Service (Boulder: Westview Press 1983), 128-32; Barry Mackintosh, Shaping the System, 100-106.

33. Mackintosh, Shaping the System, 100-106.


America's National Monuments: The Politics of Preservation
©1989, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
©1994, University Press of Kansas
All rights reserved by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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Copyright © 1989 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Material from this edition published by the University Press of Kansas by arrangement with the University of Illinois Press and may not be reproduced in any manner without the written consent of the author and the University of Illinois Press.