National Parks
The American Experience
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Yosemite NP
Visitors regularly speak of the national parks as Nature's cathedrals; Easter sunrise services were first offered at Mirror Lake in Yosemite Valley in 1932. Courtesy of the National Park Service

Bert Taylor
Bert Taylor, United States skating champion, performs at the Yosemite Winterclub in February 1937. Preservationists protest that an ice rink, let alone such theatrics, is an amusement more appropriate to big cities and resorts than to a park set aside to preserve a natural environment. Courtesy of the National Park Service

Yellowstone NP
A workman removes debris from Blue Star Spring while Old Faithful erupts in the background, March 1968. Too many callous visitors bring too many pop bottles. William S. Keller photograph, courtesy of the National Park Service

grizzlies, Yellowstone NP
Grizzlies and gulls hold visitors' fascination at the bear feeding grounds near the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone sometime during the 1930s. The twilight "shows" were last held in the fall of 1945, but the question of bears and garbage in Yellowstone is still controversial. Courtesy of the National Park Service, Yellowstone National Park


National Parks: The American Experience
©1997, University of Nebraska Press
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