The Embattled Wilderness
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III. Visitation and Development
swimmers, band, with falls in background
21. Turning their backs to Yosemite Falls, guests swim and listen to live music at Yosemite Lodge, summer 1926. The Yosemite Park and Curry Company vigorously promoted every such diversion from the natural scene, hoping that more amusements would entice patrons to lengthen their stay. Courtesy of the Yosemite National Park Research Library.

Lewis and Lemee
22. Indian Field Days, 1925. Yosemite Superintendent Washington B. Lewis poses with Chief Lemee (Chris Brown), while a large crowd gathers along the racetrack in the background. First held in 1916, Indian Field Days won Park Service endorsement as a means of boosting Yosemite visitation. Courtesy of the Yosemite National Park Research Library.

Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.
23. Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., ca. 1920, just a few years before he accepted an invitation to serve on the Yosemite National Park Board of Expert Advisers. Taking up where his father left off in 1865, he further condemned purely commercial or artificial pursuits in Yosemite Valley, among them Indian Field Days. Courtesy of the National Park Service, Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site.


Yosemite: The Embattled Wilderness
©1990, University of Nebraska Press
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