The Embattled Wilderness
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V. Urban Distractions and Influence
47. In addition to environmental damage, the development of national parks inevitably leads to big-city social problems, including crime. The modern Yosemite Valley jail, with twenty-two beds, is the type of urban facility every park could do without. Courtesy of Brian Grogan.

48. The greater the presence of serious crime, the greater the need to make arrangements for litigation. The new Yosemite Village Courthouse completed in 1987 processes nearly one thousand cases annually. Courtesy of Brian Grogan.

Tioga Road
49. Easy access, preservationists charge, brings both unwanted visitors and needless environmental damage, such as scarring caused in 1958 by the modernization of the cross-park Tioga Road. Courtesy of the Yosemite National Park Research Library.

nighttime photo of Yosemite Valley
50. This time exposure of Upper Yosemite Valley at night, as seen from Glacier Point in 1963, bears dramatic witness to the final results of development. Roads, campgrounds, parking lots, and buildings are all clearly visible. Courtesy of the National Park Service.


Yosemite: The Embattled Wilderness
©1990, University of Nebraska Press
runte2/photo5-4.htm — 17-Mar-2004