Invasion and Recovery of Vegetation after a Volcanic Eruption in Hawaii
NPS Scientific Monograph No. 5
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Recovery of Vegetation (continued)

Plant Cover Development (continued)

Habitat 4

Figure 10 shows that the plant cover remained rather low throughout the 9-year observation period. Two life-form groups attained more than 5% cover, the soft-leaved evergreen small tree and shrub group (dPN) with Buddleja asiatica and Rubus rosaefolius and the sclerophyllous woody chamaephyte group (sCH frut) with Dubautia scabra. Also of some significance in cover were the rhizome geophyte (G rhiz) Nephrolepis exaltata and the chamaephytic lichen (LCh) Stereocaulon volcani. Both life forms attained about 3% cover each.

Fig. 10. Life-form spectra chronology—habit 4. (Symbols explained in Appendix VII).

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Last Updated: 1-Apr-2005