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Thematic Study




Thematic Framework

NPS Units

current topic Historic Landmarks

History and Prehistory in the
National Park System and the
National Historic Landmarks Program

Thematic Representation: National Historic Landmarks
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III. Thematic Representation:
National Historic Landmarks

XXXII. Conservation of Natural Resources

A. Origin and Development of the Conservation Idea to 1870

     George Perkins Harsh Boyhood Home, VT
     Old Mission Dam, CA
     Frederick Law Olmsted House, MA
     Walden Pond, MA

B. Formation of the Conservation Movement, 1870-1908

1. Fish, Wildlife, and Vegetation Preservation
     John Burrough's Riverby Study, NY
     Fur Seal Rookeries, AK
     Lake Merritt Wild Duck Refuge, CA
     G. Hart Merriam Base Camp Site, AZ
     Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, FL
     Seton Village, NM
     Slabsides, John Burroughs Cabin, NY

2. Origins of the National Parks Movement Stephen T. Mather Home, CT
     Frederick Law Olmsted House, MA

3. Game Protection
     Seton Village, NM

4. The Forest Service and Forest Preservation
     Adirondak Forest Preserve, NY
     Biltmore Estate, NC
     Franklin B. Hough House, NY
     J. Sterling Morton House, NE
     Gifford Pincher Home, PA
     Wapiti Ranger Station, WY

5. Origins of Watershed and Water Conservation
     Money Hollow Watershed, PA
     Senator Francis G. Newlands Home, NJ
     Roosevelt Dam, AZ

6. Water Purification and Sewage Treatment

7. Scenic Preservation
     John Burrough's Riverby Study, NY
     Niagara Reservation, NY
     Frederick Law Olmsted House, MA
     Palisades Interstate Park, NY
     Slabsides, John Burroughs Cabin, NY

C. The Conservation Movement Matures, 1908-1941

 1. Emergence of Federal Conservation Legislation

 2. Birth of Wildlife Management

 3. Fish and Wildlife Refuge System
     Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, CA

 4. Forest System Expands

 5. Soil Conservation Movement
     Honey Hollow Watershed, PA

 6. OrIgin and Development of the National Park Service
     Stephen T. Mather Home, CT

 7. Range and Forage Protection

 8. Wilderness System

 9. Public Health Through Pollution Control

10. The Great Depression and Conservation

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