War in the Pacific
Historic Resource Study
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G. Sites Not Listed in the General Management Plan for Marking

I. Dungcas Beach 20cm Battery

The Japanese constructed this two-gun 20cm, short-barrel battery at Dungcas Beach on the east side of Agana Bay, on the same beach that the Japanese Special Naval Landing Force came ashore on December 10, 1941. Both guns remain in place, their field of fire being over Agana Bay, Adelup Point, and the Asan landing beaches. Behind Gun 1, a long tunnel was cut through the limestone ridge to a protected clearing in the rear. This tunnel, remains intact. At Gun 2, a long natural crevice led to the rear.

The battery is on private property and no on-site interpretation is provided. (It is listed in the brochure, "Guide to Guam's World War II Sites.") I his is the most impressive Japanese battery surviving on Guam. It is recommended that this easily-accessible site be considered as an addition to the list of Other Significant World War II Sites on Guam.

Japanese 20cm gun battery, Dungcas Beach.

Japanese 20cm gun battery, Dungcas Beach.

Japanese 20cm, two-gun battery, Dungcas Beach, 1984.

Japanese 20cm, two-gun battery, Dungcas Beach, 1984.

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Last Updated: 07-Mar-2005