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C. Whiskeytown in Shasta County Records and Publications*

*Without changing the content, the writer abridged and altered the above record citations, and thus they do not represent exact quotations. The underscoring is the author's. The above does not represent a comprehensive list of citations on Whiskeytown.

Court of Sessions, Shasta County, February 1851-February 1858, p. 26

August 8th 1851 Ordered that . . . the place of holding elections be at Smith & Co. near the mouth of Whiskey Creek.

Whiskeytown Hotel:

Deed Book R, p. 109

July 12, 1853

Be it known that We the Undersigned have taken possession of and claim for building purposes the following described lot of Ground to Wit Beginning at the North West Corner of the lot formerly owned and occupied by A. Murdock in Franklin City as a Store House and on the South line of Main Street Running from thence West along the line of said street 36 feet to a post thence back at right angles with said street 199 feet to a post thence parallel with said street 36 feet to a post thence in a northerly course at right angles with said street to the place of Beginning . . . July 12, 1853, B. Mix & Co.

Shasta Courier, July 30, 1853:


The Undersigned Would Inform the public that his Hotel, pleasantly situated in Franklin City, on Whisky creek, six miles north of Shasta, on the Yreka and Weaverville road, is now open for the reception of travelers, boarders, and customers generally. The Table is constantly supplied with all the varieties of meats and vegetables procurable in this market, while the Bar is furnished with almost every kind of liquors of the very best quality. There is also a good and secure
attached to the establishment, always supplied with an abundance of hay and barley, for the accomodation, of packers, travelers, etc. The subscriber has no hesitation in promising full satisfaction to all who may patronize him.

Whiskey Creek, July 30, 1853

Shasta Republican, November 27, 1855:


Benjamin Mix would inform the public and the lovers of Dancing, that he will give a Grand Opening Ball at his new Hotel at Whiskey Creek, on Wed. Eve.

Shasta Republican, June 4, 1856:


[Benjamin Mix] . . . his large hall is completed, and is capable of accommodating a large company.

Whisky Creek, June 6, 1856

Shasta Courier, March 25, 1858, as quoted in Ross, "Whiskeytown," NPS, DSC p. 9:


The undersigned, because of long-continued ill-health, is desirous of disposing of his property and returning to the Eastern States. It consists of a large and commodious well furnished Hotel! Situated six miles from Shasta, on the road leading to Weaverville and Yreka. The house is abundantly supplied with all necessary hotel furniture, such as beds, bedding, tables, chairs, &c, &c. The stages and passenger train stop at this House twice every day. It is also a favorite stopping-place with the numerous pack trains trading between Red Bluffs and Trinity and Siskiyou. Attached to the hotel is a large and extensive BARN and CORRAL, well supplied with water, sheds, and all improvements usually found in connection with such establishments. This hotel-stand has been established for some six years, and is doing the best paying business of any establishment north of Marysville. There is also attached to these premises a TRACT OF LAND! of some ten acres in extent, the principal part of which is fenced and under cultivation. Also for Sale all the stock on the place, consisting of HORSES, MULES AND CATTLE, Also several carriages and wagons, and all descriptions of Farming Implements, &c. Any persons wishing to make a permanent investment in this kind of property can do so upon very liberal terms, by making early application to the proprietor.

BENJ. MIX, WHISKY CREEK, March 25, 1858.

Shasta Courier, September 4, 1858:

FIRE AT WHISKEY CREEK—We are pained to record the destruction, by fire, of the large and well furnished hotel of B. Mix & Co., in the town of Whisky Creek, in this county. The conflagration occurred on last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and is supposed to have started accidentally. The house was a very good building, 80 x 150, two stories high, and was well furnished. The entire loss to the proprietors, we presume, is somewhere near $10,000. The community at large sympathize with the proprietors. The loss falls especially heavy to on Mr. Mix, who for months past, has been incapacitated for business by injuries resulting from a fall from his horse.

Shasta Republican, September 11, 1858, p. 2:

BURNED. We neglected to state last week that the large and fine hotel at Whiskytown, owned by Mr. Benj. Mix, burned down on Sunday, the 29th ult. The loss sustained was scarcely less than $10,000. The hotel is being rapidly rebuilt. A liberal subscription has been made by our citizens for the purpose of assisting Mr. Mix in his difficulties.

Shasta Courier, January 7, 1860, p. 1:


The Undersigned announces to the public that they assumed proprietorship of, and will hence forth conduct the new and commodious
      MIX HOTEL,
In the town of Whisky Creek.
will always be furnished with the choicest liquors and eatables that can be procured. They also promise their customers good, clean beds, and no bugs. Attached to the house is a large and safe
where Packers, Wagoners and Traders may always obtain Hay for their animals.

I. McIntosh
G. M. Benjamin
Whisky Creek, July 23, 1859

Shasta Herald, April 28, 1860, p. 2:

WHISKY CREEK HOTEL.—LEW BURK—known by almost every traveler through the northern country—has leased the Mix Hotel at Whisky Creek, and is not fitting it up in good style, as a first class house. Under its new management we shall expect to see it become the great resort of summer evening promenaders, and resume its old position among the leading hotels of the Northern country.

Deed Book G, p. 703:

January 3, 1861

Benjamin Mix
George P. McGuire
[of French Gulch]
for $3800

. . . all those certain pieces or parcels of land situate at or near Whiskytown in Said County Beginning at a pine tree marked with a cross standing on the east bank of Whisky Creek a short distance from the crossing of the main road leading from Shasta to Whiskytown; running from said tree in a westerly course up and along the principal street of said Whiskytown, about 135-yards, to where the corner of the old "Bennet Cabin" was (now L. William Garden): thence back 103 feet to a post crossed and marked; thence in a westerly course about 212 yards to a stake or post near a Gulch; thence in an easterly course down said Gulch to the mouth of the same about 200 yards, thence about 250 yards to the place of beginning; being the entire premises upon which the "Mix Hotel" now stands, including all the grounds appertaining to said Hotel. . . . also all that certain property in said Whiskytown commencing at the corner of Keslers lot, on the south side of Main Street, running back at right angles with said street 100 feet on line with Keslers; thence westerly to a blacksmith shop formerly owned by John Kellus [?] thence at right angles 100 feet to the Main Street; thence at right angles along the South Side of Main Street to the place of beginning. Being the premises upon which the Ball Alley and Barn of Benjamin Mix now stands, together with all and singular.

Deed Book 1, p. 155:

December 8, 1863

George P. McGuire, Pauline McGuire, wife, French Gulch Township
Pauline Brown of Oak Bottom

[Same Property Description as above.]

Deed Book 5, p. 384:

August 9. 1873

Pauline Brown
O. H. P. Woodward
for $600

. . . known as the Whisky Town Hotel and Correl lots, Commence the Survey at South East corner of L. Williams [Blacksmith] lot on the North side of the Road leading from Shasta to French Gulch first run North 2° 15' East along Williams East boundary line 2 & 50/100 chains; 2nd run North 180 East 3 9/100 chains; third run south 85° 30' East 1 90/100 chains to J. D. Blair's [Butcher] West boundary line Fourth South 14° West 5 36/100 chains to the Shasta and French Gulch Road, fifth North 88° West along the North line of said Road to place of beginning containing one and 25/100 acres of this being the Hotel lot. . . . Correl lot . . . south side of the . . . Road at the North East corner of WL. illiams Blacksmith Shop lot . . . to W. Keslers lot . . . containing 92/100 acres .

Directory of Shasta County, 1881, p. 71:

Woodward's Hotel!
Shasta County California
O. P. Woodward Proprietor

A Good Meal and a Clean Comfortable Bed

Redding Record-Searchlight, July 1, 1952, pp. 1 and 7:*

[Photo cap] Good Spot for Meditating—Harland Shive, 73, sits contentedly on the top steps of the old O. P. Woodward hotel in Whiskytown, where for 96 years the town's post office did business. Post Office, which changes its name today from Schilling to Whiskeytown, moved out of the building in 1947.

The building was closed last year to occupants when it became unsafe for use.

A recent petition by Whiskeytown residents to have their post office renamed from Schilling to correspond with the name of the town was quickly answered and the request granted. The Post Office was originally in the Woodward hotel building and remained there after the time of Woodward when the building was owned by Jack Schilling, after whom the post office was most recently known. After 96 years in the Woodward hotel, the post office moved into a combination grocery store, filling station and bar building which stands on the new highway one block south of the now-vacant hotel.

*The article's claim that the post office was in the subject hotel for 96 years, since 1852, is not true, since Mix's hotel burned in 1858. Judge Ross in "Whiskeytown," NPS, DSC p. 10, gave the recent history of the hotel: "Oliver P. Woodward continued to operate the Whiskytown Hotel successfully until his death in 1897. It was reputed to be one of the best stopping places in the north part of the state. One of his sons, Oliver P. Woodward Jr., administered his estate and operated the place until 1903. There was some litigation between the children of the deceased and his second wife, who wanted to be given a probate homestead on the hotel with the right to reside there. Oliver Jr., in one of the documents filed with the Superior Court of Shasta County, stated that it was necessary for him to live there in order to operate the business, that the hotel was usually filled to capacity and that quite often he had to give up his own bedroom to some traveler who sought accomodations. The litigation was settled peaceably and the estate went to the sons and one daughter Susan M. Schilling. Her husband, John F. (Jack) Schilling took over the operation of the hotel in 1903. Mrs. Schilling passed away in 1904 and her estate, which by then consisted of the whole property, devolved upon her husband and daughter, Grace Schilling equally."

Whiskeytown stores:

Shasta Courier, April 9, 1853, p. 3:

By virtue Of An Execution Issued out of the Court of J. C. Hinkley . . . at the suit of Richard J. Walsh, for the sum of 391.62 costs and accruing costs, I have this day seized and taken in execution, all the right, title & interest of the defendant, Alexander Murdock, in and to the following described property, to wit: the trading house known as the trading house of A. Murdock, on Whiskey Creek, together with the ground upon which the same is situated, including the Butcher stand and the correl adjoining the same on the east, known as the property of A. Murdock. The same being situated in the town of Franklin, on Whisky Creek, in Shasta County, California . . .

Jos. L. Holmes, Constable

Shasta Courier, January 2, 1858, p. 2:

Where there can always be found a large assortment of

which will be sold as cheap, if not cheaper than at any other store north of Shasta.

N.B. Goods packed free of charge.

Wm. H. Gooch, December 26, 1857

Shasta Courier, January 2, 1858, p. 2:


With a small cash capital, to buy goods at Gooch, at bargains, at his new store.

Dec. 26, 1857

Directory of Shasta County 1881, p. 37:

Located two Miles Above Whiskeytown Is Prepared to Furnish A Superior Quality of All Kinds of Lumber for Building Purposes.

Charles Burns, Whiskytown

Directory of Shasta County 1881, p. 40:

Choice Wines, Liquors, Brandies and Cigars at the Bar.

Descriptive Circular of Shasta County, California, 1885, pp. 9-10:

Whisky Town, or Blair (the name of the post office), twelve miles northwest of Redding . . . now divides the trade with Shasta to a considerable extent.

A Golden Highway (1934), p. 233:

. . . [drive through Schilling] It is no longer Whiskeytown. It is merely an unimposing little mountain town stretching along the highway, catering to itinerant miners, cattlemen, hunters, travelers. It seems to have sloughed off its history and its romance with its name.

Redding Record-Searchlight, July 1, 1952, p. 7:

. . . a combination grocery store, filling station and bar building which stands on the new highway one block south of the now-vacant hotel.

In the Shadow of the Mountain (by Peterson, 1965), p. 100:

[Whiskytown recently devastated] . . . a few delapidated buildings which remained as the sole vestige of the color ful mining center of Whiskeytown.


Deed Book E, p. 495:

February 10, 1855

J. W. Johnson
C. H. Barkdull
    for $800

. . . one lot in the-town or village of Franklin on Whiskey Creek . . . commencing . . . at the south easterly corner of the lot on the south line of the Main or principal street of said Town . . . known as S. D. Bakers lot, thence along the line of said street southeasterly course . . . 60 feet to a lot belonging to B. Mix formerly owned by Alexander Murdock deceased thence running back at right angles with said street towards the creek 160 feet, thence north west parallel with the aforesaid street 60 feet thence at right angle with last named line 160 feet to place of beginning . . . also one other lot . . . on the north line of aforesaid street opposite the last described lot beginning at the south easterly line of said S. D. Bakers line thence running south easterly along the line of said street 60 feet to B. Mix's line thence back at right angles with said street 160 feet thence north west parallel with said street 60 feet thence at right angles with last named line 160 feet to place of beginning.

Deed Book E, p. 496:

September 15, 1856

C. H. Barkdull
Benjamin Mix
   for $1000 paid by Benjamin Mix and George Benjamin

One lot in the town or Village of Franklin on Whisky Creek . . . commencing at the South easterly corner of a lot on the South line of the main or principal street of said town or village known as S. D. Bakers lot thence along the line of said street in a south easterly course 60 feet to a lot belonging to B. Mix formerly owned by Alexander Murdock deceased thence running back at right angles with said Street towards the creek 160 feet thence at right angles with last named line . . . 160 feet to the place of beginning

Deed Book E, p. 741:

November 5, 1857

Jonathan M. Allen
W. H. Gooch
   for $400

. . . parcel of land situated in Whiskey Town and . . . Bounded as follows viz Being two lots West of Mixes Hotel in said Town on the North side of Main Street being 80 feet front and running back at right angles with said street 200 feet and being the property now occupied by said party of the first Together with all . . . the rent issues and profits thereof.

Deed Book 3, p. 534:

June 19, 1871

Mrs. P. Brown
Wm. Kesler
   for $3.07

. . . All those certain lots or tracts of land in . . . Whisky Town described as follows . . . First lot commencing at the South East corner of Wm. Bangharts lot on the North side of the main road and run North 73° 30' East 1 15/100 chains to L. Bohmens lot. Thence . . . to the place of beginning "2" lot commencing on the south side of main Street at the North East corner of Williamsons lot First run North 82 East 1 01/100 chains to L. Williams Lot thence . . . to the place of beginning, containing l. 70/100 chains.

Deed Book 3, p. 546:

Mrs. P. Brown
J. D. Blair
   for $7.00

June 19, 1871

. . . lot of land in Whiskey Town described as follows . . . commencing at the South East corner of the hotel lot on the North Side of the Main road . . . L. Williams lot . . . containing 5 12/100 acres.


Probate #150
Clerk's Office:

Estate of William Kessler 1893
First triannual account of Excrs and trustees
Property in Whiskeytown:

Stone Warehouse$250
Interest in Ditch$200
Furniture &c$200

Variations in the Town's Name and Spelling, 1850-1858:

August 8, 1851Mouth of Whisky Creek
(Shasta Courier)
July 30, 1853Franklin City, on Whisky Creek
(Shasta Courier)
August 3, 1853Whisky Creek-Election Precinct
(Court of Sessions, February 1851-February 1858)
January 1854Whisky Creek
(Shasta Courier)
August 1854Whiskeytown
(Record Book R, p. 280)
June 30, 1855Whiskey Creek
(Shasta Courier)
June 14, 1856Whiskey Creek
(Shasta Courier)
September 4 and 11, 1858Whisky Creek and Whiskytown
(Shasta Courier and Shasta Republican)
July 23, 1859Whisky Creek
(Shasta Courier)
April 4 and 28, 1865Whiskeytown and Whisky Creek
(Record Book 5, p. 123; Shasta Herald)
January 3, 1861Whiskytown
(Deed Book G, p. 703)
December 8, 1863Whiskytown
(Deed Book 1, p. 155)
August 9, 1873Whiskey Town
(Deed Book 5, p. 384)
(Directory of Shasta County)

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