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F. Four Mile House in Shasta County Records and Publications

Record Book B, p. 173:

June 21, 1852

Nicholas Maher
Land Claim for agricultural and grazing purposes

. . . beginning at a pine tree standing about one quarter of a mile from the road leading from Shasta to the Mouth of Whiskey Creek and about four miles from the Town of Shasta said tree bearing two blazes running from thence in a southerly course one half mile crossing said road to a stake thence in an eastern course one half mile to a stake from thence in a northern course one half mile to a stake from thence West to the place of beginning . . . on which lands I have valuable improvements.

Shasta Courier, July 23, 1853, p. 3:

situated hotel, four miles distant from Shasta, on the Trinity and Yreka road, is now ready for the accomodation of travelers and citizens generally. The house, a two-story building, is finished with a degree of comfort and convenience second to no hotel in this portion of the State. The table is always supplied with the best the market affords, while the bar is constantly supplied with a variety of choice liquors. The house, too, has the advantage of a never failing supply of excellent spring water. Attached to the establishment is a secure corral, always furnished with an abundance of barley and hay for the animals of the packers and travelers. The subscriber is determined to omit no means of rendering perfect satisfaction to all who may patronize his house.


Shasta Courier, June 25, 1858, as quoted in Boggs, My Playhouse, p. 313:

FOUR MILE HOUSE. The subscribers announce to the public and their friends in general, that they have taken this long and well established House, where they intend to dispense the very best "CREATURE COMFORTS" that can be found at any hotel north of Marysville. All we ask of our friends and the public is, to give us a call, and if we don't make it "satisfactory" with them, just say we are no such persons as BEN D. ANDERSON, WM. E. WOOD, Shasta April 28, 1858.

Shasta Courier, December 29, 1860, p. 1:

Between Shasta and Whiskytown. The subscriber, having completely [sic] refitted this establishment announce [sic] to the traveling public, and especially to Teamsters and Packers, that there they will be furnished with Good Beds and Clean Bedding with the BEST OF FOOD, with the Choicest Liquors and Cigars, and with excellent Hay, Barley and Oats for their animals.

Thos. Ashworth
Four Mile House, December 31, 1859

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