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I. Shasta Turnpike Road Company Declaration, 1860

Record Book G, p. 564:

Shasta Turnpike
Road Company

This is to certify that the Shasta Turnpike Road Company have located their road and adopted the following survey an [sic] route for the road upon which they have organised to construct which is as follows viz: Commencing at the point in Shasta County near the road leading from Shasta to Whiskey Creek about Three hundred and fifty rods North West from the Shasta County Hospital building, thence running to the left of the present County road winding along the side of the mountain a distance of about Three hundred and fifty rods more or less to the summit of the divide known as the Whiskey Creek Divide to a point near where the County road now crosses said divide said road to be made on a grade of one foot to the rod on a rise from the starting point to the top of said divide. Thence from the point on the top of said divide following down the West side of the divide to the left of the present County road at a grade of one foot descent to the rod, a distance of about Three Hundred rods more or less to the "Clear Creek Ditch" Thence running North about Two hundred and fifty rods more or less on an easy grade to a point on the present County road near what is known as the Four mile house Said road and all bridges and acqueducts to be erected thereon to bring the same to the proper grade.

This further certifies that at a regular meeting of the stockholders in said company two thirds of said stockholders being present held November 19th 1859 the following stockholders now duly elected officers of said Shasta Turnpike Road Company: as follows Viz. C. C. Wingate Present H. A. Curtiss Secretary R. C. Babcock Treasurer. R. C. Babcock, Henry Poffenberger and George Penman Directors of said Company they each having received a unanimous vote of the stockholders present at said meeting: they were thereupon declared duly elected the officers of said company for the ensuring year. This is further to certify that the capital stock in said company is fixed at the sum of Three Thousand Dollars and divided into nine equal shares all of which stock has been duly subscribed and taken and that said stockholders have paid into the Treasury of said company the sum of One thousand and Sixty two 50/100 Dollars. all of which sum has been expended upon the line of said Shasta Turnpike Road Company as herein designated the said amount so paid in and expended upon said road, being more than Ten per cent upon the capital stock of said Company.

In witness whereof we have herunto set our hands at Shasta this 20th day of February x 1860

Caleb C. Wingate, President
H. A. Curtiss, Secretary
R. C. Babcock, Treasurer

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Last Updated: 11-Dec-2009