Historic Resource Study
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Historical Base Map 1, 1850-1880

Tower House and Vicinity

1. Chitwood Placer Mine—Land Survey, March 3, 1874, U.S. Surveyor.

2. Tower House Hotel, Gardens, Outbuildings—Land Survey, Township 32 North, Range 7 West, October 16, 1868, Appendix A; Goddard, 1857, Map of the State of California; Gibbes, 1875, Map of the States of California and Nevada; Roeser, 1876, Map of the State of California.

3. Charles Camden's House—Appendix A; Record Book C, p. 241, RDO, SCC.

*4 Charles p. 314, May 26, Camden's Sawmill and Dam—Appendix A; Record Book R, and Record Book 5, p. 115, RDO, SCC; Shasta Courier, 1860, p. 2.

5. Charles Camden's Ditch and Toll Road—Land Survey, Township 32 North, Range 7 West, October 16, 1868; Appendix A.

6. H. Jackson's House—Land Survey, Township 32 North, Range 7 West, October 16, 1868.

7. Clear Creek Ditch and Dams—Land Survey, Same as no. 6 above; Shasta Republican, October 20, 1855, p. 2.

*8. Richard Barney & Co. and Henry Bateman, Mining Claims—Shasta Courier, August 25, 1855, p. 2.

Bull Gulch and Vicinity

*9 Clear Creek Ditch Co. above; Shasta Courier, Aqueduct—Land Survey, Same as no. October 20, 1855, p. 2.

*10. C. S. Snowk & Co. Dam on Clear Creek—Record Book R, p. 312, RDO, SCC.

*11. John Donovan, Mining Claim, April 15, 1857—Record Book R, p. 546, RDO, SCC

*12. Jones Kelley & Co., Mining Claim on Bull Gulch, September 23, 1860—Record Book R, p. 144, RDO, SCC.

Grizzly Gulch and Vicinity

13. Brown's House—Shasta Courier, August 11, 1855, p. 2.

*14. Rich Gold Strikes, Grizzly Gulch—Shasta Courier, August 25, 1855, p. 2.

*15. John Donovan and Jones Kelley & Co., Water Claims, Grizzly Gulch; April 15, 1857 and September 23, 1860—Record Book R, pp. 144 and 546, TDO, SCC.

16. George Store & Co., Water Claim, Grizzly Gulch, May 31, 1854—Record Book R, p. 263, RDO, SCC.

*17. John Harrison & Co. Dam & Ditch Claim, September 1, 1867—Record Book S, p. 491, RDO, SCC.

Oak Bottom and Vicinity

18 Oak Bottom House and Grounds—Appendix B; Illustrations; Gibbes, 1875, Map of the State of California and Nevada.

19. Reed & Co., Oak Bottom—Court of Sessions, February 1851-February 1858, p. 25, SCC.

*20. Wood's Ditch, September 29, 1854—Record Book E, p. 362, RDO, SCC.

*21. Eastman & Co., Water Claim and Ditches; September 30, 1854—Record Book R, p. 295, RDO, SCC; Shasta Republican, April 12, 1856.

*22. Franklin Company, Water Claim, New York Gulch, November 20, 1854—Record Book R, p. 314, RDO, SCC.

*23. Boulder Creek Ranch and Ice Business; November 2, 1859—Record Book G, p. 450, RDO, SCC.

*24. Timothy Desmond, Water Claim, Boulder Creek, February 19, 1879—Miscellaneous Record Book I, p. 459, RDO, SCC.

*25. Dennis Desmond, Mining Ditches and Claims, Boulder Creek, June 11, 1875—Record Book G, p. 113, RDO, SCC.

*26. Joseph Smith, Quartz Mill, Boulder Creek, July 26, 1880—Miscellaneous Record Book I, p. 573, RDO, SCC.

Whiskeytown and Vicinity

*27. I. F. Stanley Water Claim, Dry Creek, November 14, 1859—Record Book S, p. 111, RDO, SCC.

*28. Daniel Drussel Water and Dam Claim, Clear Creek, April 4, 1860—Record Book 5, p. 123, RDO, SCC.

*29. William Taggart, Land Claim, October 11, 1855—Record Book R, p. 428, RDO, SCC; Appendix K.

*30. Hodes and Cooper's Dam, Clear Creek, April 4, 1860—Record Book S, p. 123, RDO, SCC.

*31. Smith and Company, Mouth of Whisky Creek, August 1851—Court of Sessions, February 1851—February 1858, p. 26, SCC.

32. Whiskeytown—Appendixes C and D; Baker, 1855, Map of Mining Region of California; Milleson, 1854. An Improved Topographical Map of the Middle and Northern Mines; Goddard, 1857, Map of the State of California.

*33 Clear Creek Ditch Company Flume—Shasta Republican, October 20, 1855, p. 2.

*34 William & Company Ditch, February 1855—Court of Sessions, February 1851-February 1858, p. 15, SCC.

*35. Four Mile House—Appendix F; Ross, "Whiskeytown," p. 7; Record Book R, p. 131, RDO, SCC.

*36. Whiskey Creek Water & Mining Company, September 1, 1852—Record Book R, p. 131, RDO, SCC.

*37. Mahoney Taylor & Company, Whiskey Creek, August 18, 1854—Record Book R, p. 280, RDO, SCC.

*38. Harmon Meers, Water Claim, Whiskey Creek, July 13, 1880—Miscellaneous Record Book 1, p. 569, RDO, SCC.

*39 Charles Aufschneider's Mining Claim—Shasta Courier, February 6, 1869, p. 3.

40. Gambrinus Mine—Ferguson, "Gold Lodes," p. 50.

*41. Caleb Wingate and Nathan Farrington Sawmill, November 17, 1852—Record Book G, pp. 424-25 and Record Book R, p. 329, RDO, SCC; Shasta Courier October 22, 1853; Shasta Republican, April 12, 1856, p. 3, and February 20, 1858, p. 2.

*42. Empire State Ditch & Mining Company, December 8, 1856—Record Book E, p. 541, RDO, SCC.

*43. Johnson and Bennett Ditch, Brandy Creek, January 2, 1858—Record Book G, p. 478.

*44. Everett Crocker Sawmill, Brandy Creek, April 18, 1871—Deed Book 3, p. 492, RDO, SCC.

*45. John Fleming's Sawmill, Brandy Creek—Shasta Courier, July 25, 1869, p. 1, and February 18, 1871; Record Book S, p. 520, RDO, SCC.

*46. Richards and Walker Mining Claim—Shasta Courier, January 11, 1868, p. 2.

*47. Kirkham and Company Ditch, Brandy Creek, February 4, 1854—Record Book R, p. 217, RDO, SCC.

*48. Potter's Garden. Same as no. 47.

Dog Gulch and Vicinity

*49. Camden, Tower, et al., Quartz Claim, July 19, 1853—Record Book R, p. 111, RDO, SCC.

50. J. D. Leonard & Co. Water and Dam Claim, Clear Creek, February 6, 1863—Record Book 5, p. 251, RDO, SCC.

*51. Clear Creek Ditch Company Tunnel—Shasta Republican, October 20, 1855, p. 2.

Salt and Boulder Creeks and Vicinity

*52. Henry Boettger and Edward Viergutz, Water Claim, Boulder Creek, December 26, 1855 and October 17, 1857—Record Book S, p. 23, RDO, SCC.

*53. Bxe and Wirae Water Ditch, Salt Creek, November 3, 1859—Record Book S, p. 110, RDO, SCC.

*54. Raymond and Olendorf's Sawmill—Same as nos. 52 and 53.

*55. S. V. Tripp Land Claim, January 1, 1855—Record Book R, p. 330, RDO, SCC.

*56. James W. Corless, Water Ditch, Boulder Creek, January 22, 1861—Record Book 5, p. 153, RDO, SCC.

*57 Crocker and Leonard's Ditch—Same as no. 56.

*58. James McKinly Crow, Water Claim, Boulder Creek, December 20, 1875—Miscellaneous Record Book I, p. 250, RDO, SCC.

*59 J. N. and Aron Bell and John Scott, Water Claim, Boulder Creek—Record Book I, p. 300, RDO, SCC.

*Located on historical base maps by approximate directions, such as "three miles west of Shasta," or according to given township's and section numbers.

Transportation and Communication Lines

Wagon Road, Shasta to Tower House—Shasta Courier, November 18, 1853, and March 28, 1863.

Wagon Road Tower House to Yreka—Shasta Herald, August 20, 1859.

Wagon Road, Shasta to Weaverville—Court of Sessions, February 1851-February 1858, p. 9, SCC.

Wagon Road, Shasta to French Gulch—Court of Sessions, February 1851-February 1858, p. 11, SCC.

Wagon Road, Four Mile House to Salt Creek—Shasta Republican, May 16, 1861, p. 2.

Crocker Sawmill Roads, Brandy Creek—Record Book 3, p. 492, RDO, SCC.


Free Bridge, Clear Creek—Record Book A, p. 243, RDO, SCC.

Tower's Toll Bridges, Clear Creek—Court of Sessions, February 1851-February 1858, p. 185, SCC; Shasta Courier December 3, 1853; Shasta Republican, June 25, 1858, p. 2.

Camden's Toll Bridge, Clear Creek—Shasta Courier, September 3, 1864.

"Lower Bridge," Boulder Creek—Record Book G, p. 449, RDO, SCC.

Whisky Creek Bridge—Sacramento Union, October 19, 1857; Shasta Courier, August 17, 1867.

Abbreviations for Documentation, Historical Base Maps 2.5

LS 1881 or 1890: Land Surveys, U.S. Surveyor General, California

M&SP: Mining and Scientific Press

E&MJ: Engineer and Mining Journal

OM 1891: Official Map of Shasta County, 1891

RM 1902: Map of Shasta County Accompanying Register of Mines, 1902

MCB 1902: Map of Shasta Copper Belt, California State Mining Bureau Bulletin 23 (1902), opp. p. 48

DM 1904: Denny's Map of Shasta County, 1904

MSC 1905: Map of Historic Properties, in Shasta's Resources

MCMR 1908: Map of Central Mineral Region of Shasta County, 1908

MSC 1910: Map of Shasta County Showing Location of Dredging Land, California State Mining Bureau Bulletin 57 (1910)

USGS 1912: Geologic Map of Part of Weaverville Quadrangle, 1912, United States Geological Survey Bulletin 540

GM 1933: Gold Mines located and described by Charles V. Averill in Averill, Report 29 "Gold Deposits" (1933)

MSC 1939: Map of Shasta County Showing Locations of Principal Mineral Deposits Accompanying Report on Mineral Resources of Shasta County by Charles V. Averill, "Mineral Resources" (1939)

USGS 1944: United States Geological Survey, California, French Gulch Quadrangle, 1944

Historical Base Map 2, 1880-1896

1. Chitwood Placer (Patent April 22, 1875). OM 1891

2. Black Sentinel Quartz Mine. LS 1890; OM 1891

*3. El Dorado and Eureka Quartz Mine. Crawford, Twelfth Report (1894), p. 247

4. Tower House. GM 1891; LS 1881 and 1890

*5. Iron Mask Mine Mill. Crawford, Twelfth Report (1894), p. 250

*6. Shasta Mine (Gambrinus). M&SP 47, 18 (Nov. 1883), p. 284

*7. West End Mine. M&SP 47, 26 (Dec. 1883), p. 397; Crawford, Twelfth Report (1894), p. 260

8. Blair-Stella.-Whiskeytown School. OM 1891

*9. Bell and Woodward Mine. M&SP 47, 18 (Nov. 1883), p. 284

*10. Red Rover Mine. M&SP 47, 18 (Nov. 1883), p. 284

*11. Marion Mine. M&SP 47, 18 (Nov. 1883), p. 284

*12. Dreadnaught Mine. Crawford, Twelfth Report (1894), p. 247

*13. Phoenix Mine. M&SP 47, 18 (Nov. 1883), p. 284

*14. Masterton Brothers Granite Quarry. Crawford, Thirteenth Report (1896), p. 623

*15. Pugh and Lindsay Mine. Crawford, Twelfth Report (1894), p. 254

*16. Mascot Mine. Crawford, Twelfth Report (1894), p. 252

*17. Annie Mine. Crawford, Thirteenth Report (1896), p. 349

*Located by written description alone.

Historical Base Map 3, 1896-19141

1. For mines located on RM 1902, refer to Appendix J for descriptions of the mines and developments, and for the mine owners.

1. Hazel Gold Mining Company Power Plant. MCMR 1908

2. Hope Mine. RM 1902. Brown, "Shasta County," Report XIV (1916), p. 790

3. Tower House. RM 1902; DM 1904; MCMR 1908

4. El Dorado Mine. Crawford, Thirteenth Report (1896), p. 355; E&MJ 87, 3 (January 1909), p. 181; E&MJ 87, p. 26 June 1909), p. 1304; USGS 1912; Brown, "Shasta County," Report XIV (1916), p. 773

5. Brown's. DM 1904; MSC 1910; RM 1902

6. Bonanza Mine. RM 1902. Brown, "Shasta County," Report XIV (1916), p. 780

*7. Ganim Mine. Brown, "Shasta Count," Report XIV (1916), p. 790; M&SP 106, 6 (Feb 1913), p. 251

8. Oak Bottom. MCMR 1908

9. Shasta Quartz and Placer Mining Company. MHP 1905

10. Whiskey Creek Group. MCMR 1908

11. Stella-Whiskeytown. RM 1902; DM 1904; MCMR 1908

*12. Kanaka Mine. M&SP 77, p. 9 (July 1898), p. 9

*13. Sulphide Copper Mine. Brown, "Shasta County," Report XIV (1916), p. 773

14. Gambrinus (Gabrinus). RM 1902; MHP 1905; USGS 1912; MCMR 1908

15. Dreadnaught. RM 1902

16. Red Cross Quartz Mine. RM 1902; MHP 1905; MCMR 1908

17. Iler. RM 1902

18. Elizabeth Con. MCB 1902

19. Toltec Group. MCMR 1908

20. Blackbird. RM 1902

21. Unidentified. No. 94 on RM 1902

22. Happy Go Lucky. RM 1902

23. Stella Mine. RM 1902

24. Mountain Belle. RM 1902

25. New Year. RM 1902

26. Australia. RM 1902. Brown, "Shasta County," Fourteenth Report (1916), p. 779

27. Iron Clad Group. MCMR 1908

28. Sunlight. RM 1902

29. Eureka. RM 1902

30. Gold Hill. RM 1902

31. Mascot Mine USGS 1912; Ferguson, USGS Bulletin 540 (1912), p. 49

32. Happy Jack. MCMR 1908

33. Mountain Monarch Group (copper). MCMR 1908; USGS 1912

34. Apex. RM 1902

35. Unidentified. No. 68 on RM 1902

36. Wall Street. RM 1902

37. Deer Trail. RM 1902

38. Fox. RM 1902

39. Keno. RM 1902

40. Oro Fino (three claims). RM 1902; Brown, "Shasta County," Fourteenth Report (1916), p. 796

41. Pugh and Menzell Mine and Mill. RM 1902

42. Santa Clara Mining Company. MCMR 1908

43. Unidentified. No. 34 on RM 1902

*44. Connors Salt Creek Mine. M&SP 80, 8 (March 1900), p. 237

45. Mount Shasta Mine, Mill and Power Line. RM 1902; MCB 1902; MCMR 1908, USGS 1912

46. Belcher. RM 1902

47. Lost Mine. RM 1902

48. Ono (three claims). RM 1902

49. Long View (two claims). RM 1902

50. Jay Bird. RM 1902

51. Unidentified. No. 41? on RM 1902

52. Unidentified. No. 57 on RM 1902

53. Unidentified. No. 61 on RM 1902

54. Venus. RM 1902

55. Nellie. RM 1902

56. Union Hill. RM 1902

57. Courier. RM 1902

58. White Rose. RM 1902

59. Princess Hydraulic Mining Company Ditch. RM 1902; DM 1904

60. Americas. RM 1902

61. Clear Creek. RM 1902

62. Unidentified, on RM 1902

63. Anaconda. RM 1902

64. Unidentified. RM 1902

65. Unidentified. RM 1902

*Located by written description alone.

Note: Geographic features, roads, and trails from RM 1902 and MCMR 1090.

Historical Base Map 4, 1915-1941

1. Tower House. MSC 1939

2. El Dorado Mine. E&MJ 100, 24 (Dec. 1915), p. 987; Logan, "Mining in California," Report XXII (1926), p. 171

3. Merry Mountain Diggers. MSC 1939

4. Index Group. Tucker, "Redding, Review of Mining," Report XIX (1923), p. 57

5. Oak Bottom. See reference in #4 above

6. North Star (Prospect). MCK. Laizure, "Mining in California 1920," Report 17 (1920), p. 523

7. Ganim Mine. MSC 1939

8. Betty May. GM 1933; Averill. "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 11

9. Isabel and Queen. GM 1933; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 31-2

10. Vergnes Property. GM 1933; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 72-73

11. Mad Dog Prospect. GM 1933; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 35

12. Desmond Mine. MSC 1939; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 135

13. Gambrinus. GM 1933

14. Phoenix Mine. MSC 1939; Averill, "Mineral Resources," Thirty-Fifth Report (1939), p. 148

*15. West End Quartz Mine. Logan, "Sacramento Field Div." Report XXII (1926), p. 180

16. Whiskeytown-Schilling. GM 1933; MSC 1934

17. Kanaka Prospect. GM 1933; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 33

18. Happy Jack. GM 1933; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 31

*19. Baker Placer Mine. Averill, "Gold Dredging," Report XXXIV (1938), p. 114

20. Clear Creek Placer. GM 1933

*21. Shasta View Mine. E&MJ 120, 7 (1925), p. 263; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 48

22. Porcupine Mining Co. GM 1933; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 44

*23. Gladys Mine. Mck. Laizure, "Mining in California, 1920," Report XVII (1920), p. 521

24. Oro Fino. GM 1933; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 42

25. Mount Shasta. GM 1933; Averill, "Gold Deposits," Report 29 (1933), p. 38

*26. Draft Dodgers Cabin. Interview, Robert Grom, WNRA, 10/14/74 (Reportedly built during World War I).

27. Hall Brothers Mine. MSC 1939

*Located by written description alone.

Note: Geographic features and roads based on MSC 1939.

Historical Base Map 5, 1941-1960

1. Tower House. USGS 1944

2. Bickford Mine. Interview, Bickford.

*3. Tripp (Scott) Placer. Lydon and O'Brien, Mines and Mineral Resources, p. 131

4. Hammer Placer. O'Brien, "Mining in Redding, Dist.," Mines and Geology 44 (1948), p. 358

5. Oak Bottom dredge. Lydon and O'Brien, Mines and Mineral Resources, p. 130

6. Ganim Mine. USGS. 1944

7. Whiskeytown. USGS 1944

*8. West End (Spanish). Lydon and O'Brien, Mines and Mineral Resources, p. 127

*9. B. H. K. Mining Company. Lydon and O'Brien, Mines and Mineral Resources, pp. 57-58

10. Mount Shasta. USGS 1944

*11. Peltiers Camp. Interview, Mrs. Clinton Peltiers, 10/14/74

*12. Elizabeth. Lydon and O'Brien, Mines and Mineral Resources, p. 115

13. Sunshine Mine. USGS 1944

14. Desmond Mine. USGS 1944

*Located by written description alone.

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Last Updated: 11-Dec-2009