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1. Shasta County Portion of Sheet #1, Official Map of California, 1853.

This map was approved and declared to be the official map of the state of California by an act of the legislature passed March 25, 1853. Note Shasta City, Whiskey Town, Brandy and Clear creeks, and the trail joining Shasta with Weaverville. The fact that the trail does not run through Whiskey Town typifies the numerous inaccuracies of the early maps of the West.

Compiled by W. M. Eddy, State Surveyor General. New York: J. H. Colton, 1854. Photostat copy of this map section provided by California State Library, Sacramento.

2. Official Map of Shasta County, 1862. Photograph copy from California Historical Society, San Franciso.

3. Map of Township 33 North, Range 7 West, M. D. M., 1868-1881. Note location of roads and Chitwood Placer Mine. Photocopy from Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley.

4. Map of Township 33 North, Range 7 West, M. D. M., 1866-1872. Note Camden's Ditch and Tower House orchards marked near the township's southern boundary. Photocopy from Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley.

5. Map of Township 32 North, Range 7 West, M. D. M., 1868. Note location of Tower House, Camden's Ditch, Clear Creek Ditch, orchards, Camden's Toll Road, and Madam Brown's. Photocopy from Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley.

6. Map of Township 32 North, Range 7 West, M. D. M., 1868-1881. Note alternate road route east of Tower House, also a toll road. Note Clear Creek and the ditch paths. Copy from Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley.

7. Map of Township 31 North, Range 7 West, M. D. M., 1881-82. Note rough terrain and lack of historic features in northernmost sections. Photocopy from Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley.

8. Map of Township 31 North, Range 6 West, M. D. M., 1856-75. Note rough terrain and lack of historic features in northernmost sections of the township. Photocopy from Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley.

9. Map of Township 32 North, Range 7 West, 1874 and 1890, including Chitwood Placer and Black Sentinel quartz mines. Note location of Black Sentinel is same as El Dorado mine, opened in 1894. Photocopy from Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley.

10. Whiskeytown from Northeast (?), ca. 1913-14. Note Whiskeytown Hotel on right-hand side. The barn and corral opposite the hotel no doubt belonged to the hotel owner. This photograph was originally in the collection of Elta Proebstel, who worked in Whiskeytown as a schoolteacher in 1913-14. Photograph from Proebstel Collection, Shasta College Museum, Redding, California.

11. Whiskeytown Old Store, no date. This may have been the remains of W. H. Gooch's store, or of L. William's blacksmith shop. Photocopy from California Historical Society, San Francisco.

12. Oak Bottom House, ca. 1913-14. Note the continuation of the second-story balcony around the eastern side of the structure. Compare with similar features at Tower House and Whiskeytown. Photocopy from Proebstel Collection, Shasta College Museum, Redding, California.

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