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In Search of an Identity




Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

National Park Service Uniforms
In Search of an Identity 1872-1920
Number 2

Appendix B

National Park Conference Notes, 28 November 1919


The decision was reached that all officers and rangers, and other employees of the service, were (sic) practicable, should wear a uniform, which should consist of straight-brimmed, broad-brimmed hat similar to the J.B. Stetson Astral. The brim should be stiff enough to maintain a straight shape and not curl at the edges.

Uniform should furthermore consist of grey flannel shirt with soft standup collar of same material with dark green four-in-hand string tie, rather narrow.

The trowsers should be duck-backed for temporary rangers, who will not be required to buy full uniforms but must wear duckback(?) trowsers of riding cut.

Brown shoes must be worn, preferably of Army shape, and leather leggings. Preference was expressed for the cordovan shade of brown.

The officers, however, are to have choice of leggings and boots—May wear either leather leggings, spiral leggings, or riding boots. Can not wear high laced boots and or canvas leggings except where they now have them and wish to wear them out. For State occasions the superintendents must wear the leather legging in conformity with the standard for rangers.

It was the sense of the meeting that superintendents and custodians should wear their uniforms at all meetings where public business is transacted outside the park.

The cloth to be used is included in the material already submitted by Mr. Punchard, as well as the cut of the clothes.

The coat is to remain the same.

The Government will furnish all insignia, just as is done with the ranger badge. A deposit should be taken from the ranger to protect the Government against loss.

The insignia was approved as submitted.

Service Stripe

The service stripe shall take into consideration service in the parks under the War or Interior Departments from the time of first connection with the parks in either of these Departments, for those now in the service.

The stripes shall date back to to (sic) the beginning of every man's service who is now in the Bureau.

Service stars — Mr. Punchard's outline was changed. It was decided that the stars should be all silver.

A 2" by 1/8" black braid stripe for one year; silver star for each five years.

It was voted to adopt turn-down collar for coat.

Grey shirt for ordinary use; plain white shirt for superintendents on special occasions. Green tie on all occasions.

Just as soon as we return to Washington we will begin looking into places were (sic) we can get uniforms. Eisner has failed and the superintendents were against continuing to buy from him.

Mr. Fry suggested that possible Fichheimmer (sic) Brothers of Cincinnati could supply the uniforms.

No new uniform shall be purchased and put into use after July 1 which does not agree with the adopted standard uniform.

Those people who have presentable uniforms should have until the end of the coming field season before being compelled to change to new type. This covers only trowsers and coats. All other material belonging to old uniforms must be discarded after July 1. It can, however, be worn next winter. Anything that can be worn during the winter should be worn out now and not after July 1.


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