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Ironing Out the Wrinkles




Appendix A

National Park Service Uniforms
Ironing Out the Wrinkles 1920-1932
Number 3


Boss Pinkley
Mr. Frank Pinkley, Supt. S. W. Monuments, 1929.
Nick-named "The Boss", Pinkley spent his entire Park Service career at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, being custodian from 1918 to 1931, and superintendent of Southwestern Monuments until his death. He was an outspoken critic of all facets of life in the Park Service, including it's uniforms. He had a very humorous way of stating his convictions as he advocated simplicity and equality of dress, as well as the uniforming of women. It was only fitting that a man of his stature and temperment should die "with his boots on." On Wednesday, February 14, 1940, after giving the keynote address at the first school of Instruction for Custodians of the Southwestern Monuments, a 20-year-old dream of his, he sat down and promptly keeled over from a heart attack.

George F. Baggley
Chief Ranger George F. Baggley, 1930, Yellowstone National Park.
Baggley is the typically well-dressed ranger. He married Herma Albertson, an early female ranger, in 1933 and went on to serve in a superintendent capacity for many years.
NPSHPC - YELL/130,123

Ranger force,Carlsbad Caverns NP
Ranger Force, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, 1932.
Left to right: Standing: Nayes, Luther, McKinney, Hutchins, Duncan, Burns, Horne, Lewis, Ashcraft
Seated: Sneed, Graves, Dean, Hill, Yardley, Harkness, Hansen, Vandegrif, Conkis, Saxe
Ground: Clark, Puckett, Edwards, Woodrow, Boles, Lehnert, Little, House
Missing: Sedberry, Nealis, Nichols.


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