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Ironing Out the Wrinkles




Appendix A

National Park Service Uniforms
Ironing Out the Wrinkles 1920-1932
Number 3


Charles Adair
Charles Adair, c. late 1920's, ranger, Yosemite National Park.
This is a good view of the type of gray wool shirt being worn by the rangers during the twenty's.
Courtesy of Virginia Best Adams (Mrs. Ansel Adams)

Forrest Sanford Townsley
Forrest Sanford Townsley, 1929, chief ranger, Yosemite National Park.
Townsley is wearing yet another variation of the shirt, with pocket flaps. He is also wearing service insignia on his sleeve (16 years). It would be interesting to know if he is also wearing a brassard on his right sleeve, as stated in the regulations. This is the only image found showing a ranger wearing any insignia, other than USNPS, on his shirt.
Courtesy of Virginia Best Adams (Mrs. Ansel Adams)

Milo Shepler Decker
Milo Shepler Decker, c. 1929, chief ranger, Sequoia National Park.
National Archives / 79-SM-29

Toll, Kiski and wife
Superintendent [Roger Wolcott] Toll with Mamoru Kiski and wife. Mr. Kiski is a member of Japanese Parliament. 1931.
Toll, superintendent of Yellowstone National Park (1929-1936) until his death, was very active in uniforming the Service. During off-seasons, Toll served as the chief investigator of proposed park and monument areas for the NPS. It was while pursuing these duties that he was killed in an automobile accident in New Mexico on February 25, 1936.
NPSHPC - YELL/8151-6

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