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Ironing Out the Wrinkles




Appendix A

National Park Service Uniforms
Ironing Out the Wrinkles 1920-1932
Number 3

Ironing Out the Wrinkles (continued)

Public relation photograph for announcement of new jobs for, Scoyen, Tillotson and Eakin, 1927. Photograph taken in front of Grand Canyon National Park Office (now (1973) residence of superintendent). As can be seen from this image, even superintendents weren't immune to deviations in uniforms. Scoyen's bottom pockets are rounded, while his top pockets are square with pointed flaps. Tillotson's bottom pockets are only slightly rounded. Eakin's coat has square bottom pockets, and round top pockets with scalloped flaps.
Above left to right: Eivind T. Scoyen, supt., Zion National Park; Miner R. Tillotson, supt., Grand Canyon National Park; Honorable John E. Edwards, Secretary of the Interior; J. Ross Eakin, supt., Glacier National Park; Horace M. Albright, supt., Yellowstone National Park and Asst. Director (Field) NPSHPC-HFC/GRCA 89-2

rangers, Yosemite NP

rangers, Yosemite NP
Ranger force at Sequoia National Park, c. 1926. These two images show the variations in cut and appointments that were beginning to creep into ranger coats at Sequoia, c. 1925-26, and as can be seen by Chief Ranger Milo S. Decker, kneeling in the front of the bottom image (left end, with the service stripes on his right sleeve), Lew Davis wasn't the only one that marched to his own drummer at that park. Top photo: NPSHPC - HFC/93-338; Bottom photo: NPSHPC - HFC/93-339

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