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Ironing Out the Wrinkles




Appendix A

National Park Service Uniforms
Ironing Out the Wrinkles 1920-1932
Number 3

Ironing Out the Wrinkles (continued)

John Emmert
John Emmert, Chief Electrician, Yosemite National Park, 1922. Emmert's Chief Electrician brassard can be seen on his sleeve, although the lightning flashes are hard to detect. NPSHPC - Jimmy Lloyd photo - HFC/87-35

The uniform committee felt that the new badges reading "Park Ranger" were not appropriate for the officers and recommended that the old-style badge (1906) should be retained for their use. The committee also recommended that the badges of chief and assistant chief rangers should be gold-plated to differentiate between them and other rangers. On January 26, 1921, the uniform regulations were revised effective March 1. A new section 6 was inserted designating the badges to be worn by Service personnel. Instead of a single nickel-plated badge for all, it stipulated a round gold-plated badge for the director and assistant director, a round nickel-plated badge for all other officers, a shield-shaped gold-plated badge for chief and assistant chief rangers, and a shield-shaped nickel-plated badge for other park rangers.

In a March 4 telegram Acting Director Cammerer took exception to having all the field officers wear the same badge: "I think this serious mistake and that regulations should be revised to clear matter. Superintendents badge is emblem of authority and neither clerks, engineers or others should be found in any park with similar badge." While these discussions were going on, a request came into the office for badges "to be worn by the clerks and other subordinates on the force, based on our uniform regulations issued January 26, 1921." On April 13 Director Mather informed Lewis that badges for officers would be limited to superintendents, acting superintendents, and custodians (those in charge of national monuments). [10]

1921 NPS officer's badge
1921 Pattern National Park Service officer's badge.
NPS Archives RG Y55

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