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Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts




Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

National Park Service Uniforms
Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts 1918-1991
Number 4


Olive M. Johnson
Olive M. "Johnny" Johnson, guide at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, c.1947.
Johnson is wearing the 1947 WAAC style uniform. Note the USNPS collar ornament on the front of her cap.

Louise Meekins
Louise Meekins, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, 1970.
Since the 1962 uniform change didn't appreciably alter their appearance, a lot of the women wore their older 1961 pattern dress until the 1970 uniforms were introduced.
NPSHPC - Fred E. Mang, Jr. photo - HFC/WASO#70-53-3

information Desk at Fort Pulaski NM
Information Desk at Fort Pulaski National Monument, 1958.
Receptionist is wearing what is probably a gray shirt with a bow tie. Apparently women's uniform regulations were still somewhat lax at some locations.
NPSHPC - Jack E. Boucher photo - HFC#58-JB-195

naturalists and receptionist
Seasonal Park Naturalists and Information Receptionist on duty at the Headquarters Visitor Center, Everglades National Park.
All three are wearing the 1961 pattern uniform. This color print shows that the USNPS was changed to silver (white) prior to the uniform change.

Anne Bowes
Park naturalist explains life of the marsh from interpretive display on the Anhinga Trail.
Anne L. Bowes, Everglades National Park, 1964. The striping stands out clearly on her "Mae Hanauer" hat. She is also wearing the green plastic 1961 nametag, along with small arrowhead pin.
NPSHPC - M. Woodbridge Williams photo - HFC64-EV-99T-W

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