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Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts




Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

National Park Service Uniforms
Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts 1918-1991
Number 4

Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts (continued)

The Grand Public Unveiling of the "new look" for National Park Service women took place in the Rose Garden of Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia during Freedom Week, 1970. June 27th started out as a dark cloudy day with the threat of rain looming over the festivities. It is rumored that Director Hartzog took one look at the sky and in his booming authoritative voice stated that "It will not rain", and everyone knew it wouldn't dare, at least those in the Park Service did. And sure enough, as the morning progressed, the clouds began to break up and by time the show began, the weather was sunny with a cool breeze blowing.

Director Hartzog
Director Hartzog clowning around with new women's uniforms at Grand Unveiling at Independence National Historical Park, June 27, 1970.
Left to Right: Lemuel "Lon" Garrison, Mid Atlantic Regional Director; (?); George B. Hartzog, Director, National Park Service; Inger Garrison; Frank F Kowski, Southwest Regional Director; Carole Scanlon.
NPSHPC - Cecil W Stoughton photo - HFC#70-273-12

Irene Beckman and Carole Scanlon
Irene Beckman makes last minute adjustments to the Chairwoman's smock.
Left to Right: Irene Beckman, Carole Scanlon.
NPSHPC - Cecil W Stoughton photo - HFC#70-78-16

Several hundred people were on hand for the occasion. Regional directors, Park superintendents and the Independent Park Advisory Board were joined by the Junior League of Philadelphia and many Park employees, some of which had traveled hundreds of miles for this momentous event. Even a few tourists wandered in occasionally out of curiosity.

In all, seven different uniforms were modeled by Service wives and employees. After the formal presentation most of the people repaired to a tent set up with refreshments, while the models posed for the various photographers. There was even a film crew commissioned by Polaroid to cover the show for a special film on the National Park Service.

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