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Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts




Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

National Park Service Uniforms
Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts 1918-1991
Number 4

Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts (continued)

There must have been some agitation concerning their wearing the fatigue jacket and WAAC hat, because when the regulations were amended on May 24, 1950, to include photographs to "illustrate the proper uniforms and the correct methods of wearing them", it shows the woman wearing an adaptation of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) blouse and Army "overseas" cap, even though there are no amendments authorizing it. This followed the Service's move toward the military styling (men's belted coat, etc.) after the war. This decision must have come soon after the issuance of the regulations, since there are no known contemporary photographs of women wearing either the "fatigue" jacket or WAAC hat, although, there are several contemporary images depicting women wearing the "WAAC" blouse and overseas cap.

Viola V. Shannon
Viola V. Shannon, park guide, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, 1951.
This portrait shows the recessed pockets of the uniform, as well as the USNPS pin on the "overseas" cap.

Olive Johnson
Olive Johnson, Doll's Theatre Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, 4/1953.
This early color photograph shows that Johnson's hat and coat are 2 different colors. The coat appears to be "Army" green and her cap forest green. The Arrowhead patch had just began to be issued the previous Fall.
NPSHPC/Prasil Photo/HFC#WASO-CO-2240

While color photography had been around for some time, the majority of photographs were taken in black and white. There is , however, a 35mm color transparency, taken in 1953 of Carlsbad Caverns Guide-Nurse Olive Johnson. Her coat (WAAC) is of a very dark green (similar to Army officer's coats) while her overseas cap appears to be about five shades lighter. This variance does not show up in an earlier black and white image.

Another item not mentioned in the regulations, but which was incorporated into the uniform, was the wearing of one of the USNPS collar ornaments on the front of the overseas cap, a practice that had been fashionable for a number of years.

When new regulations were drawn up 1956, those pertaining to women's uniforms remained the same, even to the wearing of the men's fatigue jacket (now called the standard men's field jacket). Apparently, bowing to the inevitable, Amendment No.4 restored the overseas cap in October, 1957, but nothing is said about the coat.

Seasonal Ranger-Historians
Seasonal Ranger-Historians, 1957 Season, Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Site, Hyde Park, New York.
Though all three are Seasonal Ranger Historians, only the men are wearing badges. Left to Right: Henry Werle, Arlene Stokes, Daniel de Francis.

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