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Book Cover
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current topic The Developing Years

current topic Photofile



Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

National Park Service Uniforms
The Developing Years 1932-1970
Number 5


Mission 66 Committee
The Mission 66 Committee.
Left to right: Howard Stagner, naturalist; Bob Coates, economist; Jack Dodd, forester; Bill Carnes, landscape architect and chairman; Harold Smith, fiscal; Roy Appleman, historian; Ray Freeman, landscape architect-land planner

A committee was selected in 1956 to implement National Park Service Director Conrad L. Wirth's program for upgrading the Nation's parks and formulating a system of continuing growth for the future. This was a ten year program with a target date of 1966, the 50th Anniversary of the National Park Service. Wirth felt that "it would be a good golden anniversary if everything was in acceptable condition by that time." They also reasoned that everything they had in mind was contained in two words, "Mission 66." The exhibit, entitled "Parkscapes of America", that was set up to celebrate the anniversary and the end of the program inadvertently caused the Brou-ha-ha over the NPS emblem when Director George B. Hartzog became enamoured over the exhibit's triangle and ball logo and attempted to have it replace the arrowhead.
Parkscape exhibit
A wide-angle shot of the "Parkscape" exhibit that was set up in a hall at the Department of the Interior.
NPSHPC-Frank Schelle photo-HFC#M/A 0025-2

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