
Information Panel: Found Underground


Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

The ground around you hides the remains of the U.S. Armory atHarpers Ferry. Beneath the surface archeologists discoveredwalls, floors, pipes, and the base of a massive90-foot chimney. As the team slowly and painstakingly excavated small pits throughout the site, they uncovered over 28,000artifacts-some in almost pristine condition-providing aglimpse into the past.
Artifacts Caption: Artifacts found here include (clockwise): a bone-handled toothbrush, an apothecary's weight, a carved pipe bowl, a file modified into a wrench, printer type, and a lice comb.
Photo Caption: National Park Service archeologists began their excavation in 2005, exposing corners, floors and doorways of the Warehouse and the Smith and Forging Shop. They later refilled the pits to preserve the site.
Photo Caption: Back. Archeologists found this fragment of ceramic (above). It is identified by its maker's mark, which matches an 1827 English plate commemorating the founding of the B&O Railroad. Front.

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

Last updated: November 21, 2022