
Pennsylvania Monument

A large white pillar with a circular top.
Pennsylvania Monument

NPS / Claire Hassler

Quick Facts
Frederick, Maryland
Civil War Monument
National Battlefield, National Register of Historic Places, National Historic Landmark

Audio Description, Cellular Signal, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

Erected by the state of Pennsylvania and unveiled on November 24, 1908, this was the second monument to be constructed on the battlefield. The dedication ceremony was attended by roughly 250 survivors from the 67th, 87th, and 138th Pennsylvania regiments. 

During the Battle of Monocacy, the 87th Pennsylvania was positioned on the Thomas Farm between the 10th Vermont and the 14th New Jersey, where they experienced some of the heaviest fighting. Some members of the regiment held strategic sniping positions inside the Thomas House. The 138th Pennsylvania was initially held in reserve until going into position on the extreme left of the Union line at the Thomas Farm. The 67th Pennsylvania did not participate in the Battle of Monocacy; they were part of the “missing brigade" that was held up at New Market, Maryland (near Monrovia, Maryland). 

The monument is constructed of blue westerly Rhode Island granite and stands 35 feet high on a 10-focrt-square base. The top of the base supports a cylindrical shaft with a carved cap. At the top is a polished ball, 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, bearing the 6th Corps symbol - a Greek cross. The monument is surrounded by a stone pillared and iron fence. 

The tablet on the west side of the base is dedicated to the Union troops and reads: 

Erected by the Commonwealth of Penna in commemoration of the bravery, sacrifices, and patriotism of the 67th, 87th, and 138th regiments that fought on this battlefield July 9, 1864. 


Wm. H Lanius, Capt. Co. l. 87th 

Robert I Cornwall, Capt. Co. l. 67th 

 M. Coppleberger, Priv. Co. A. 138th

At the bottom of the base is a tablet with symbol of the State of Pennsylvania. The other three sides of the monument have information about the 67th, 87th, and 138th regiments. 

Monocacy National Battlefield

Last updated: April 5, 2024