
Ancient Hunters Overlook

an expansive basin of mixed-grass prairie and badlands formations beneath blue sky.
Since time immemorial, human beings have traversed through and around the Badlands.

NPS Photo / Serena Rosales

Quick Facts
Wall, SD
Archeological evidence from this site includes bits of pottery, arrowheads, worked quartz flakes, a rabbit jaw and bird bones mixed among charcoal of ancient campfires, and bison bones that have eroded out of the area.

Accessible Sites, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Parking - Auto, Parking - Bus/RV, Scenic View/Photo Spot

This road pull-off provides the opportunity to observe an archeological site at Badlands National Park. This geologic slump provides a slightly wetter area where trees grow in abundance. Arrowheads and bison bones have been found at this archeological site, suggesting that it may have been an ancient butchering location.

Badlands National Park

Last updated: December 14, 2020