
Fire Island: A Story of Change

A view of the ocean and Fire Island, as seen from atop a secondary dune.
Fire Island is always changing.


Welcome to the end of the Sunken Forest tour. We hope that you enjoyed your time exploring this incredible place. From atop the secondary dune we can see clearly the desert-like swale, the primary dune, and the vast Atlantic Ocean. To the west you can see Point ’O Woods and other Fire Island communities. To your east stands a short but remarkable little American holly tree.


Compare this holly to the ones you saw in the heart of the forest and you may recognize the effects of salt spray pruning. Where before the trees stood tall, now they are short and stubby. You may even notice their windswept or hedge-like appearance, as though someone came here and trimmed its top off. 


For over three-hundred years the Sunken Forest has stood as a profound and unique example of the resilience and adaptability of life on a constantly shifting barrier island. There are lessons to learn from this everywhere we look. You need only to keep your eyes open.


Proceeding from here visitors may choose to go back the way they came, or to proceed forward into the swale. Be warned that the swale can be quite hot on sunny summer days. Once you are in the swale you will notice a concrete walkway. You may head left to return to the bathrooms near where we began, right to head back towards the heart of the forest down the longer loop, or straight out onto the ocean beach. Wherever you go we hope you will take time to listen to and enjoy this marvelous place. We also encourage you to visit the Sailors Haven Visitor Center to speak to a ranger, or even join one on a public tour!


Remember, Fire Island National Seashore is your national park. Thank you for joining us as we explored it together.  

Fire Island National Seashore

Last updated: May 12, 2022