
Linn Cove Viaduct

A roadway curves sinuously across a colorful fall landscape
Linn Cove Viaduct

Kristina Plaas photo

Quick Facts
Milepost 304, Blue Ridge Parkway
one of the most complicated concrete bridges ever constructed
National Civil Engineering Landmark

Scenic View/Photo Spot

As the last piece of the Parkway to be completed, the Linn Cove Viaduct was a peak of Blue Ridge Parkway engineering and environmental protection.

Completed in 1983 at a cost of almost $10 million, the Linn Cove Viaduct is 1,243 feet long and contains 153 segments weighing 50 tons each. The concrete bridge is a symbol of pride to landscape architects and engineers for its marriage of beauty with utility and habitat protection. Visitors here will gain an appreciation for the care that was taken in construction of the entire Parkway. The American Society of Civil Engineers designated it a National Civil Engineering Landmark. Visit the Linn Cove Viaduct to experience this engineering feat in person.

Blue Ridge Parkway

Last updated: March 24, 2022