
Show Barn

A black and white image of a black Angus cow surrounded by Eisenhower\'s staff and Alberto Camargo
President Eisenhower, John Eisenhower and President Alberto Camargo of Columbia around a prized cow.


Quick Facts
Eisenhower National Historic Site
The Show Barn housed the president’s prize-winning cattle. President Eisenhower brought many world leaders here to show his cattle herd and conduct informal diplomacy.
Original Structure

While the majority of the buildings on W. Alton Jones’s property predate the Eisenhower cattle operation, the one major piece of construction created by the partnership was the show barn. Constructed in 1957, the new barn was designed to not only house the cattle but to provide a facility where they could be groomed and prepped for showing. Farm Manager General Arthur Nevins and Herdsman Bob Hartley worked in close collaboration with the construction team, with Hartley choosing the location and the layout of the corrals surrounding the new barn.  

While a typical day at the show barn revolved around the care and maintenance of the herd, the show barn also witnessed the visits of numerous foreign dignitaries and world leaders at the farm. President Eisenhower utilized the show barn as a diplomatic tool throughout his presidency and into retirement for “cattle diplomacy”. By showcasing what was essentially a personal hobby, President Eisenhower hoped to create a relaxed atmosphere allowing his guests to feel welcome and hopefully more at ease with him. This spot—combined with the president’s sunporch—provided a perfect setting for personal diplomacy here at the farm. 

Eisenhower National Historic Site

Last updated: August 30, 2022