
W.S. Shipley Estate

Pencil drawing of large symmetrical estate with grass area in front, trees on edge, and driveway
W.S. Shipley Estate, Job #09261, York, PA

Olmsted Archives

Quick Facts
York, PA
Olmsted Designed Estate
In 1931, William S. Shipley hired Olmsted Brothers to design the elegant grounds of his mansion in York, Pennsylvania. With 11.7-acres to work with, Olmsted Brothers were challenged to cohesively fit a quarry, which already dominated the site, into their plans. Olmsted Brothers suggested that the quarry be utilized to create a sunken garden.

Surviving plans show Olmsted Brothers’ focus on elevation details on the grounds, such as creating a pond and an overlook section within the sunken garden. In addition to the sunken garden, Olmsted Brothers also recommended a formal and rock garden, as well as large sections set aside to grow vegetables and fruit.

Source: "Colossal Gardens Planned for Shipley Mansion Near Summit in Wyndham Hills," InYork

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Last updated: June 18, 2024