DBOC Special Use Permit DEIS: Endnoted Correspondence

Below are lists of the correspondence documents listed in the endnotes of each chapter of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The "Reference" column contains the unique citation as listed in the DEIS References. The "Endnotes" column lists where these endnotes are referenced by chapter. Digital copies of the documents below are available upon request.

Correspondence from the California Coastal Commission (CCC)
Correspondence from the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG)
Correspondence from the California State Lands Commission (CSLC)
Correspondence from the Drakes Bay Oyster Company (DBOC)
Correspondence from Latham & Watkins, LPP
Correspondence from the National Park Service (NPS)
Correspondence from F.R. StuddertCorrespondence from the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI)


Correspondence from the California Coastal Commission (CCC)

Reference Correspondence Endnotes
CCC 2009a Letter from California Coastal Commission to Drakes Bay Oyster Company on December 7, 2009, regarding compliance with Consent Cease and Desist Order CCC-07-CD-11 (Drakes Bay Oyster Company) - Notice of violation related to placement of Manila clams in harbor seal exclusion area. Ch. 1 xxi
CCC 2009b Letter from California Coastal Commission to Drakes Bay Oyster Company on September 16, 2009, regarding compliance with Consent Cease and Desist Order CCC-07-CD-11 (Drakes Bay Oyster Company) - Drakes Bay Oyster Company out of compliance with terms and conditions specified within the letter. Ch. 1 xix
CCC 2010a Letter from Coastal Program Analyst, California Coastal Commission to Acting Superintendent, Point Reyes National Seashore on March 30, 2010, regarding Coastal Development Permit Application for Drakes Bay Oyster Company. Ch. 1 xxx

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Correspondence from the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG)

Reference Correspondence Endnotes
CDFG 2004a Letter from Marine Region Aquaculture Coordinator to Johnson Oyster Company on February 2, 2004, regarding lease renewal. Ch. 1 ix
Ch. 2 xvii
CDFG 2004b Memorandum from Director, California Department of Fish and Game, to Executive Director, Fish and Game Commission, on June 14, 2004, regarding Agenda Item for June 24-25 Fish and Game Commission Meeting Re: Request of Johnson Oyster Company, Inc, for Lease Renewal of State Water Bottom Lease Agreements for Numbers M-438-01 and M-438.02, Drakes Estero, Marin County. Ch. 1 xi
CDFG 2007b Letter from Director, California Department of Fish and Game, Office of General Council to Superintendent, Point Reyes National Seashore, on May 15, 2007, regarding Drakes Bay Oyster Company lease status. Ch. 1 iv, vi
Ch. 2 xxvi
CDFG 2008 Letter from Acting Director, California Department of Fish and Game, to Honorable Jared Huffman, Assembly Member on March 25, 2008, regarding California Department of Fish and Game position on Drakes Bay Oyster Farm. Ch. 1 vii
CDFG 2011b Email from Associate Marine Biologist, California Department of Fish and Game Aquaculture and Bay Management Project, to Point Reyes National Seashore, on May 26, 2011, regarding escrow account for DBOC. Ch. 1 xxv

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Correspondence from the California State Lands Commission (CSLC)

Reference Correspondence Endnotes
CSLC 2007 Letter from Executive Officer, California State Lands Commission, to Alliance for Local Sustainable Agriculture, on July 26, 2007, regarding a review of the state land conveyances and jurisdictions. Ch. 1 iii, v

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Correspondence from Drake Bay Oyster Company (DBOC)

Reference Correspondence Endnotes
DBOC 2008a Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to California Coastal Commission on January 30, 2008, regarding CCC-07-CD-04 Drakes Bay Oyster Company (section 3.2.6 of Consent Order) - Harbor seal protection areas. Ch. 2 xxvii
DBOC 2008b Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to California Coastal Commission on January 31, 2008, regarding CCC-07-CD-04 Drakes Bay Oyster Company (section 3.2.10 of Consent Order) - Maximum annual production limit. Ch. 2 iv, v, vi, vii, x, xxxvii
Ch. 3 xviii
DBOC 2008c Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to California Coastal Commission on November 14, 2008, regarding Consent Cease and Desist Order No. CCC-07-CD-11 - Additional documentation required to comply with the Consent Cease and Desist Order. Ch. 1 xiv
DBOC 2009a Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to California Coastal Commission on December 21, 2009, regarding CCC-07-CD-11 - Manila clam lease transfer coordinate mistake. Ch. 1 xxii
DBOC 2009b Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to California Coastal Commission on October 5, 2009, regarding Coastal Development Permit Application No: 2-06-003 - Additional documentation in response to request by California Coastal Commission in letter dated June 10, 2009. Ch. 1 xxiii, xxxiii
Ch. 2 xxii
DBOC 2009c Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Superintendent, Point Reyes National Seashore on December 29, 2009, regarding clerical error correction and Manila clam cultivation in CDFG Lease M-438-01. Ch. 1 xv, xviii
Ch. 2 ix
DBOC 2010a Attachment 10a to the letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on November 15, 2010, regarding oyster production (oyster production, rack culture, and cluster oysters). Ch. 2 xiv, xv
DBOC 2010b Attachment 10b to the letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on November 15, 2010, regarding oyster production (oyster production bottom bags). Ch. 2 xix
DBOC 2010c Attachment 10c to the letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on November 15, 2010, regarding oyster production (November 2007 map). Ch. 2 i
DBOC 2010d Attachment 10d to the letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on November 15, 2010, regarding oyster production (harvest area). Ch. 2 xviii
DBOC 2010e Attachment 12c to the letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on November 15, 2010, regarding maps of racks (oyster rack GPS information). Ch. 2 xi, xii, xvii
DBOC 2010f Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to California Coastal Commission on March 16, 2010, regarding Coastal Development Permit Application No: 2-06-003-Response to CCC letter dated March 9, 2010. Ch. 1 xxiv
Ch. 2 xiii, xxiii, xl
DBOC 2010g Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to California Department of Fish and Game Executive Director, April 27, 2010, regarding Lease No. M-428-01. Ch. 2 xxxiii, xxxv
Ch. 4 xix, xx, xxi, xxx, xxxi
DBOC 2010h Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to California Department of Fish and Game Executive Director, May 10, 2010, regarding Lease No. M-438-01 - Boundary revision. Ch. 2 iii
DBOC 2010j Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on November 15, 2010, regarding employee list.
NOTE: This document is not available because it contains personally identifiable information.
Ch. 3 xxvii
Ch. 4 xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxix
DBOC 2010k Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on November 15, 2010, regarding housing. Ch. 2 xxiv
Ch. 3 xxviii
Ch. 4 xxv
DBOC 2010m Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore Superintendent on July 22, 2010, regarding Drakes Bay Oyster Company request to modify boundaries of CDFG lease and to cultivate Olympia oysters and purple-hinged rock scallops in CDFG Lease M-438-01. Ch. 1 xxv
DBOC 2010n Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore Superintendent on November 24, 2010, regarding Drakes Bay Oyster Company comments on National Park Service scoping letter for Special Use Permit Environmental Impact Statement. Ch. 2 xxxix
Ch. 3 xxv, xxix, xxx, xxxi
Ch. 3 xv, xviii, xxvi, xxvii
DBOC 2011a Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to permitting agencies on April 4, 2011, regarding Drakes Bay Oyster Farm Emergency Repair Project Description. Ch. 1 xxxi
Ch. 2 xxx
DBOC 2011b Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to permitting agencies on March 25, 2011, regarding Emergency Repair Permit Applications for Damages Caused by the March 19 & 20, 2011 Wind Storm. Ch. 1 xxxii
Ch. 2 xxi, xxxi

DBOC 2011c

Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on March 4, 2011, regarding new cultured species request. Ch. 1 xxvi
Ch. 2 xxxiv, xxxvi
DBOC 2011d Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on March 5, 2011, regarding boat parking and floating dock area dredging. Ch. 2 xxix
Ch. 4 i
DBOC 2011e Letter from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on March 15, 2011, regarding Lease No. M-438-01 lease line adjustment. Ch. 1 xxvii
Ch. 2 ii, xxviii, xxxii, xxxviii
DBOC 2011f Letter (with attachments) from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on March 4, 2011, regarding supplemental scoping information. Ch. 1 xiii
Ch. 2 xvi, xx
DBOC 2011g Letter (with attachments) from Drakes Bay Oyster Company to Point Reyes National Seashore on March 5, 2011, regarding alternate building design.
Attachment A - Drakes Estero Aquaculture Center Concept Design, April 29, 2009.
Attachment B - Drakes Estero Aquaculture Center Site Design Comparisons, May 27, 2009.
Ch. 1 xxviii
Ch. 2 xli, xlii
Ch. 4 xxviii

Information provided by DBOC used to represent "DBOC Boat Travel Route" and "Area of Reported DBOC Boat Use" as depicted in Figure 2-2: DBOC Boat Use. (233 KB PDF)

Letter 1 - Vessel Transit Plan, November 15, 2010 (15 KB PDF)

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Correspondence from the Latham & Watkins, LLP

Reference Correspondence Endnotes
Latham & Watkins 2010 Letter from Latham & Watkins, LLP, to Point Reyes National Seashore Superintendent, November 24, 2010, regarding scoping letter for SUP EIS. Ch. 1 xxix

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Correspondence from the National Park Service (NPS)

Reference Correspondence Endnotes
NPS 2004c Letter from Point Reyes National Seashore Superintendent to California Department of Fish and Game Marine Region Laboratory on March 15, 2004, regarding CDFG lease renewal. Ch. 1 x
NPS 2004d Letter from Point Reyes National Seashore Superintendent to Executive Director Fish and Game Commission on June 18, 2004, regarding California Department of Fish and Game lease renewal. Ch. 1 xii
Ch. 4 xvi
NPS 2009c Letter from Acting Pacific West Regional Director, to Drakes Bay Oyster Company, on December 4, 2009, regarding notice of violation related to placement of Manila clams in harbor seal exclusion area. Ch. 1 xx
NPS 2009d Letter from Superintendent, Point Reyes National Seashore to California Coastal Commission on December 8, 2009, regarding expansion of Manila clams in CDFG Lease No. M-438-01. Ch. 1 xvi
NPS 2009e Letter from Superintendent, Point Reyes National Seashore to Drakes Bay Oyster Company on December 22, 2009, regarding cultivation of Manila clams, site development request, and additional information on Manila clams. Ch. 1 xvii
Ch. 2 viii

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Correspondence from F.R. Studdert

Reference Correspondence Endnotes
Studdert 1993 Letter from Johnson Oyster Company Legal Counsel to Director, California Fish and Game, on August 6, regarding Water Bottom Allotment Lease No. M-438-01 Johnson Oyster Company - Request to start culturing Manila clams (Venerupis japonica) on the captioned lease in Drakes Estero. Ch. 1 viii

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Correspondence from the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI)

Reference Correspondence Endnotes
DOI 2004 Letter from Field Solicitor, to Point Reyes National Seashore on February 26, 2004, regarding the Point Reyes Wilderness Act. San Francisco Field Office. San Francisco, California. Exec. Sum. i, ii
Ch. 1 i, ii

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Last updated: May 12, 2024

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