
(Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow on the coastal bluffs.

Will Elder, NPS


Origin Of Genus Name: Achillea is named after the Achilles of ancient Greek mythology, who was supposedly the first to discover its many virtues.

Presidio Locations: Widespread and common in sandy, serpentine and clay soil.

Range In State: Found throughout California. The Presidio is the type locality for this species.

Description: This native, perennial species has fuzzy, fern-like leaves, arranged alternately on stems that may reach several feet in height. The inflorescence (flower head) is bell shaped with tiny, white, daisy-like flowers arranged in large clusters. Blooms from March to November.

Native Californian Uses: Dried or green mashed leaves were used by the Miwok for pain and during influenza epidemics. The Pomo and Kashaya used the mashed leaf juice as a salve on sores. The Ohlone used a tea from Yarrow for treating stomach aches, as well as washing skin sores. Heated leaves were applied to wounds to prevent swelling or were held in the mouth to alleviate toothaches.

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Last updated: February 28, 2015

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