Commercial Filming and Still Photography

Filming and Photography on State Park Land


Filming and Photography on National Park Land


Do I Need Insurance?

Yes. In addition to the application, please submit a copy of your Certificate of Insurance showing a minimum $1 million liability, with a $3 million aggregate. Prior to issuing your permit, we will require a COI showing the State of California and the United States as additional insureds. Insurance must be through a US based A- (or better) rated company. Additional insurance may be required for large or complex projects.

Can I Close The Area Of My Event For Privacy?

All permits are issued on a non-exclusive basis; other visitors to the park may not be excluded from the area of your event.


How Long Does It Take To Process A Request?

Due to high volume, please allow at least 4 weeks from recept of application to final permit issuance. Once your completed application is received, your request will be reviewed by our staff. We might contact you for additional information or clarification. To ensure fastest processing, please provide as many details as possible.

What Else Do I Need To Know?

We reserve the right to disapprove of any filming activities which may have adverse impact on park resources.

  • Depiction of tree climbing activities and/or equipment, actual or implied, is not permitted.
  • The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones) is not allowed on National Park land. Drones are considered on a case-by-case basis on State Park land.
  • The issuance of a filming permit is not, and does not imply, an endorsement of any product or service.
  • Commercial filming or photography of staff or volunteers requires prior approval.

Please keep in mind that our permits are issued on a non-exclusive basis, meaning that you may not exclude other visitors from the area during your project.

Are there other permit requirements?
You may be required to obtain liability insurance naming the United States and State of California as additionally insured in an amount commensurate with the risk posed to park resources by your proposed activity. You may also be asked to post a bond to ensure the payment of all charges and fees and the restoration of the area if necessary.

What about photography workshops?
If you are planning a photography workshop, you may need a commercial use authorization. See the commercial use authorization page for more information.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call, or e-mail.

Permit Coordinator
Redwood National and State Parks
707- 465-7307


Last updated: February 13, 2024

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Crescent City, CA 95531


707 464-6101

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