
A purple iris stands tall in a grassy meadow.
Rocky Mountain iris.

NPS/D. Krueger

In order to preserve and protect the natural and cultural resources of the Jemez Mountains, we first need to know what is here and understand how it interacts within the ecosystem. As we build a species inventory, we can then monitor and even restore ecosystem function and health. The study of biodiversity assists these efforts.

Members of the public who wish to contribute to the study of biodiversity in the Jemez Mountains can use iNaturalist to track species observations while exploring their public lands. "Seek" is a smartphone app by iNaturalist that can identify plants, mushrooms, insects, birds, and wildlife. It is an excellent learning tool, and it also contributes to the state of scientific knowledge by compiling a database of species observations by location! This is an easy way to help with the study of biodiversity every time you go outdoors.

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Biodiversity in the Jemez Mountains

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    Last updated: February 23, 2023