Superintendent's Compendium

2022 Compendium

National Park Service (NPS) regulations applicable to the protection and equitable public use of units of the National Park System grant specified authorities to a park superintendent to allow or restrict certain activities. NPS regulations are found in Titles 36 and 43 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and created under authority and responsibility granted the Secretary of I nterior in Titles 16 and 54 of the United States Code. The following compendium comprises a listing of NPS regulations where the Superintendent has exercised discretionary authority to make designations or impose public use restrictions or conditions in park areas. The applicability and scope of the compendium is articulated in 36 CFR Sections 1.2 and 13.2, and 43 CFR Section 36.1.

A complete and accurate picture of regulations governing use and protection of the unit can only be gained by viewing this compendium in context with the full body of applicable regulations found in Titles 36 and 43 CFR. Please contact Sitka National Historical Park, Sitka, Alaska at (907) 747-0110 for questions relating to information provided in this compendium.


Last updated: August 14, 2022

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907 747-0110

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